Interview with Patice Pages, owner of Chateau Fourcas Dupre in Listrac, Medoc, Bordeaux, France.
Chateau Fourcas Dupre is a family owned winery that his father bought by the Pages in 1970. The French chateau is one of those that have been classified as Cru Bourgeois claret. 47 hectares of vines.
2007: an outstandingly charming vintage. Very elegant.
2006: a completely different vintage. A much more classic vintage. More structured and more tannin.
2005: Now in bottle since a few months. A great vintage, that almost approaches a definition of what wine should be, almost a perfect wine. Justifiably hailed as a great vintage by the markets.

Patrice Pages aims to always do a bit better. There is always something that can be improved.
The key for a great wine is to harvest great grapes. And what are great grapes? Well, it is ripe grapes.
Language is French [F].
[F] Entretien avec le vigneron Patrice Pagès, le propriétaire du Chateau Fourcas-Dupré à Bordeaux.