Tag: wine production

Pinot noir bunches on the vine just before harvest in Alsace

World Wine Statistics 2010

Statistics and other numbers for the world of wine in 2010: the planted vineyard acreage, the wine production, wine consumption, wine exports and imports. (A summary of previously published stats. Source for all: OIV) World

Constellation sells wine business, loses top slot

Constellation is the world’s biggest wine producer, as mentioned elsewhere in the Brief. However, they are now set to lose the top spot to Fosters or E&J Gallo. Constellation is in the process of selling

A big winery vat hall with stainless steel fermentation tanks in a winery in China

World’s biggest wine producers

Once upon a time it was said that Gallo was the world’s biggest wine producer and that they made as much wine as the whole of Bordeaux. This is no longer quite true (but not

France made 47 Mhl wine in 2009 (a slight increase)

According to statistics from the French customs office (who collects such statistics) the total wine production reached 47 million hl in 2009. This is an increase from 2008 when only 43 Mhl was made. On

World wine production is stable in 2009

If we look at world wine production it turns out that it is quite stable in 2009: only a slight increase on 2008 to reach 268 million hectolitres. Europe accounted for 68% of the total

World’s grape production stable

The production of grapes was stable in 2009: 69 million tons were produced (for wine, juice, raisins etc). In a longer perspective the trend has been steadily increasing, albeit in later years stable. In 1995

World wine consumption and wine production down in 2009

The world wide wine consumption continues to decline somewhat according to the latest statistics for 2009 from OIV (Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin). Consumption decreased with almost 3% to reach 237 million

The Big Wine Lake drying out

According to the latest statistics from the OIV (Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin) the surplus of wine produced in the world seems to be diminishing. World consumption has grown with 2 million

5000 wine producers in the United States

There are just under 5000 wine producers (“bonded wineries”) in the United States. Half of these are in California, all according to a report by MKF Research LLC. These are the most “vinous” states, measured

Pinot noir bunches on the vine just before harvest in Alsace

World Wine Statistics 2010

Statistics and other numbers for the world of wine in 2010: the planted vineyard acreage, the wine production, wine consumption, wine exports and imports. (A

World’s grape production stable

The production of grapes was stable in 2009: 69 million tons were produced (for wine, juice, raisins etc). In a longer perspective the trend has

The Big Wine Lake drying out

According to the latest statistics from the OIV (Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin) the surplus of wine produced in the world seems

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