Tag: wine newsletter

Welcome to the BKWine Brief nr 52, November 2007

One of the things we really enjoy is looking for and discovering new wines. Drinking a very good Bordeaux or Burgundy (just to mention those two as examples) can be very satisfying but it is

Welcome to the BKWine Brief nr 51, October 2007

Most early forecasts for this year’s harvest has been moderate to pessimistic. A summer that has been in many places not very warm (to say the least) and humid has not meant ideal weather for

BKWine Brief nr 50, September 2007

It is soon time. Well, yes, it’s soon time for the harvest too. And in many places it has already started. An exceptionally early harvest that will probably yield not very large volumes and uncertain

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 1, May 2003

This is an archive version of the newsletter previously published in another format. Welcome to the first issue of my monthly email newsletter, “BKWine Brief”. In my activity, WineTastings Britt Karlsson, I do tastings and

BKWine Brief nr 50, September 2007

It is soon time. Well, yes, it’s soon time for the harvest too. And in many places it has already started. An exceptionally early harvest

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 1, May 2003

This is an archive version of the newsletter previously published in another format. Welcome to the first issue of my monthly email newsletter, “BKWine Brief”.

Month-by-month archive


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