Tag: wine market

The business of Bordeaux and China | Per on Forbes

A few years back China became Bordeaux’s biggest export market. Over a few years the Chinese market grew from almost nothing to become the market that Bordeaux could not live without. How this happened is

What do consumers think about organic wine?

A major market research conducted on behalf of Sudvinbio, a French producer association for organic wines, shows how consumers in four countries – France, Germany, the UK and Sweden – perceive organic wines. A large

Child's feet in water

Barefoot, the bestseller in US

Which wine is the bestseller in the US? Looking at the top-ten list recently published by The Wine Economist, it is a wine called Barefoot, which is made by the large wine company Gallo. The

New wine drinkers in China

When China began to drink wine it was red, expensive Bordeaux that was sought after and most preferably Château Lafite-Rothschild. And the bottles were given away as gifts. This was some years ago now, and

"Shipping all over the world", sign on a wine shop in Bordeaux

French wine exports 2013: stable

The French wine exports brought in 7.81 billion euro in 2013, roughly the same figure as in 2012. Thus the large increases in value we saw between 2009 and 2012 (+12% per year) are over,

"Shipping all over the world", sign on a wine shop in Bordeaux

The USA becomes the world’s largest wine market

Jean-Marie Aurand is the new general director of the OIV (International Organisation of Vine and Wine), an organization based in Paris. In May, he presented figures and trends for the wine countries in the world.

Sales of organic wines (in Sweden)

The sales of organic products at the Swedish state alcohol monopoly are targeted to be 10% of total sales by 2020. That is the target set by the Swedish state (i.e. the owner). Organic wine

Bordeaux CIVB wine business press conference 2014

The annual press conference of CIVB, Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux (the Bordeaux producers’ joint organisation for development, control, lobbying and political actions), with Bernard Farges, president, and Allan Sichel, vice-président and president of

Strong demand for organic wines

Both the demand for and the production of organic wine continues to experience strong growth, according to the latest numbers from Millesime Bio. Over seven percent of the French vineyards are now working according to

The Germans like their Sekt

7% of all wine produced in the world is sparkling, according to Vitisphere. This is an increase of 2% since 2002. 65% of the sparkling wines come from France, followed by Italy, Germany, Spain and

Sweden has a broad range of wines, or not?

How does the fact of having a monopoly on retail sales influence the range of products on sale in Sweden? A few years back a new range of wines was introduced, the so called “On

Demand for Bordeaux and Languedoc will grow the most

The appellations that were expected to see the biggest growth in demand in 2011 were Bordeaux, Languedoc and Rhône, according to Sopexa. Every year Sopexa polls wine importers and retailers across 12 countries on how

Spain’s biggest wine customers

Spain has in recent years been suffering a decline in the wine exports. The international sales have gone down from 1.2 bn euro in 2007 to 1 bn euro in 2010 (excluding bulk and sparkling).

New Zealand wine exports

In the 12 months to January 2011 New Zealand exported 1.56 Mhl (156 M litres). Almost all of it, 84 %, goes to the three top export markets: UK, Australia, and USA. Here are the

Prices on Bordeaux primeurs mostly going up

Prices for Bordeaux primeurs are mainly going up. Again. Is that a cause for concern? No, we argue. Most if not all chateau in Bordeaux will have announced their prices for the primeurs 2010 by

Child's feet in water

Barefoot, the bestseller in US

Which wine is the bestseller in the US? Looking at the top-ten list recently published by The Wine Economist, it is a wine called Barefoot,

New wine drinkers in China

When China began to drink wine it was red, expensive Bordeaux that was sought after and most preferably Château Lafite-Rothschild. And the bottles were given

"Shipping all over the world", sign on a wine shop in Bordeaux

French wine exports 2013: stable

The French wine exports brought in 7.81 billion euro in 2013, roughly the same figure as in 2012. Thus the large increases in value we

Sales of organic wines (in Sweden)

The sales of organic products at the Swedish state alcohol monopoly are targeted to be 10% of total sales by 2020. That is the target

Bordeaux CIVB wine business press conference 2014

The annual press conference of CIVB, Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux (the Bordeaux producers’ joint organisation for development, control, lobbying and political actions), with

Strong demand for organic wines

Both the demand for and the production of organic wine continues to experience strong growth, according to the latest numbers from Millesime Bio. Over seven

The Germans like their Sekt

7% of all wine produced in the world is sparkling, according to Vitisphere. This is an increase of 2% since 2002. 65% of the sparkling

Spain’s biggest wine customers

Spain has in recent years been suffering a decline in the wine exports. The international sales have gone down from 1.2 bn euro in 2007

New Zealand wine exports

In the 12 months to January 2011 New Zealand exported 1.56 Mhl (156 M litres). Almost all of it, 84 %, goes to the three

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