Tag: wine fairs

Red wine successful in China

The Chinese have overtaken both the French and Italians in terms of consumption of red wine. This shows a report made by Vinexpo, the world leading wine fair which will have its Hong Kong edition

BKWine to host organic tastings at Vinisud

Vinisud is a very interesting wine fair, the second biggest in France. This year it will take place on February 24-26 in Montpellier, as usual. If you are going to the fair and are interested

Rebel wine fair with high quality Champagne

At the same day as the big Champagne day in Stockholm a Champagne day OFF was arranged by a few importers of small, high quality champagne producers. BKWine’s Peter Dybeck tasted and commented champagnes from

The big Rhone wine jamboree: 11-14 March 2013

Les Découvertes en Vallée du Rhône is a travelling wine show that takes place every second year in the Rhone Valley. Every appellation organises a gargantuan tasting with all the producers (well, almost). The wine

Steep slopes vineyards with vineyard workers in Condrieu, Rhone Valley

The big Rhone wine jamboree: 11-14 March 2013

Les Découvertes en Vallée du Rhône is a travelling wine show that takes place every second year in the Rhone Valley. Every appellation organises a gargantuan tasting with all the producers (well, almost). The wine

BKWine features (sort of) in a detective crime novel

It is actually the BKWine Scandinavian Wine Fair in Paris that is mentioned in the Swedish author Anna Jansson’s book “The Alchemy’s Eternal Fire”. We don’t have as prominent a role in the book as

Haslemere Wine Fest on 15 September

Apparently they have become pretty good at making wine in England these days. I haven’t had the opportunity to try any of the recent wines myself but if you are interested (I do hope you

Cape Wine – wine show in South Africa

Cape Wine is to be held in the Cape Town Convention Centre from 25 to 27 September 2012. This is a trade event “with loads of fun built in”, according to the organisers. There will

Vinosus, a wine show in Norway 22-23 april

Vinosus is a wine show organised by three Norwegian wine importers: Vinarius, Vinum and PlusVini. It takes place in Oslo on April 22 and 23. The fair includes some 30 wine producers, many of whom

Southern flavours from 21 producers

A selection of quality wine producers from the Vinisud wine fair Just a few weeks after Millésime Bio (which we wrote about in the last issue of the brief), it was time for Vinisud, also

Wine fair in Finland in April

If you are interested in selling your wines in Finland, perhaps this is something you should look at: the Tampere Wine Fair on April 13-15, 2012. The event is open both the trade and to

Finland’s largest wine exhibition on March 15-18

Next ViiniExpo will take place in Helsinki on March 15-18, 2006. ViiniExpo is Finland’s largest (and only) wine and spirits show. It is open mainly for professionals, but on March 18 it is also open

Red wine successful in China

The Chinese have overtaken both the French and Italians in terms of consumption of red wine. This shows a report made by Vinexpo, the world

Haslemere Wine Fest on 15 September

Apparently they have become pretty good at making wine in England these days. I haven’t had the opportunity to try any of the recent wines

Southern flavours from 21 producers

A selection of quality wine producers from the Vinisud wine fair Just a few weeks after Millésime Bio (which we wrote about in the last

Wine fair in Finland in April

If you are interested in selling your wines in Finland, perhaps this is something you should look at: the Tampere Wine Fair on April 13-15,

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