Tag: USA

Record wine exports from the USA

2007 was a record year also for American wine exports. Wine worth $951M (€606M) were shipped, up 8.6% in value. Californian wines completely dominate US exports accounting for 95% of all exports. 50% of exports

Economics and wine

The American Association of Wine Economist (also welcoming non-Americans) will have its second annual meeting in Portland, Oregon on August 14-16. they are currently welcoming submissions for papers to be presented at the conference. www.wine-economics.org

Texas fifth biggest grape grower and wine maker

Unexpectedly perhaps Texas is according to the latest statistics the fifth biggest grape grower and wine maker state in the US according to a new report by the Grape Growers Association. They have 3,700 acres

Wine sells – even sex?

But it is not only in South Africa where you sell wine with sex. In New York they try it too. Or perhaps it is the other way around: selling sex with wine? At Babeland,

USA the world’s biggest wine consumer?

According to a recent report from the Wine Market Council, Adams Beverage Group and Merill Research USA is currently the world’s third largest wine consuming nation, beaten only by France and Italy. Consumption have gone

Record wine exports from the USA

2007 was a record year also for American wine exports. Wine worth $951M (€606M) were shipped, up 8.6% in value. Californian wines completely dominate US

Economics and wine

The American Association of Wine Economist (also welcoming non-Americans) will have its second annual meeting in Portland, Oregon on August 14-16. they are currently welcoming

Wine sells – even sex?

But it is not only in South Africa where you sell wine with sex. In New York they try it too. Or perhaps it is

USA the world’s biggest wine consumer?

According to a recent report from the Wine Market Council, Adams Beverage Group and Merill Research USA is currently the world’s third largest wine consuming

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