Tag: Sweden

All (?) Swedish wine importers – The List

The Swedish wine trade is split in two parts: the importers and the retailer. Retail is a monopoly and it is the Systembolaget AB company who is the monopolist, operating some 400 shops around the

The wine market and shop in Beaune

Swedish Wine Importers

An extensive list of importers of wine to Sweden The Swedish wine (and alcohol) trade is split in two distinct parts: the importers and the retailer. Retail is a monopoly and it is the Systembolaget

Restaurang GQ, Stockholm | BKWine Pick

Jürgen Grossmann is a bit of an eminence gris on the Stockholm restaurant scene. Or perhaps not so grey, he actually has quite a reputation. Today he runs GQ. We first encountered his cooking talents

Record wine sales expected in Sweden

According to the forecast at the end of last year 2009 will be a record year for wine sales in Sweden. If December sales were as expected (as hoped for, is probably not the right

Gravad lax, marinated or salt-sugar cured salmon

How to make gravlax – 10 easy steps

This is one of the very luxurious Scandinavian delicacies… Did you say luxurious? 1) It’s really easy to do, 2) salmon is not strikingly expensive… And it’s very good! Some call it gravlax salmon, which

Swedish wine bar opens in China

Rolf Olofsson was one of the founders of the Barrique Wine Bar in Gothenburg in Sweden some years back. He has left his homeland (and Gothenburg) a couple of years ago to settle in China.

New CEO for Systembolaget, the Swedish monopoly

The Swedish government has appointed the successor to Anitra Steen, CEO of Systembolaget AB, the Swedish alcohol retail monopoly. The future CEO is Magdalena Gerger, currently Vice President at Arla Foods with a career history

Golfer Annika Sorenstam to launch wine brand

Annika Sorenstam is one of the world’s most celebrated golfers (and happens to be Swedish). Her next project is to make wine in partnership with Wente Vineyards in California. The wine will be launched as

Australia biggest exporter to Sweden

In dramatic contrast to Denmark, let’s take a look at Sweden and the sales statistics. The “old world” is struggling considerably more here, and in particular France. Here’s the top ten exporters of wine to

Vin & Sprit with Absolut sold to Pernod Ricard

Finally, the Swedish state has sold V&S Vin & Sprit, the producer of Absolut Vodka. After an outdrawn bidding process the French company Pernod Ricard has come out as the winner. They will be paying

Duvel Café, Stockholm | BKWine Pick

Don’t be fooled by the name. It’s not a beer hall. The decoration refers back to classic French bistro style with naked wooden tables, wooden floors and linen napkins – but with a modern design

Hos Pelle, Gothenburg | BKWine Pick

Pelle is the name of the chef and ”hos” in Swedish is the same as the French ”chez”, so you’re at Pelle’s Place. The restaurant is very small, elegant and modern design and happily free

Andreas Larsson, world champion sommelier | BKWine TV

A video interview with the world champion sommelier Andreas Larsson. On the championship, on Coute de Bourg (Bordeaux), and on what you do next, after winning the world championship title. At the three star restaurant

Australia top-seller in Sweden

The ranking of the most popular wine countries at the Swedish monopoly retail chain Systembolaget (September 2007) is as follows. Australia has grown with 25% mainly due to a few successful launches of bag-in-box and

54% market share for the Swedish monopoly

Systembolaget, the Swedish retail monopoly, announced in its latest newsletter that their market share in Sweden is growing (of course, ‘monopoly’ does not quite mean monopoly). Systembolaget now provides 54% of all alcohol that Swedes

The Swedish monopoly grows sales too

The Systembolaget increased sales from January to October with 5.1% measured in ‘pure alcohol’. Wine sales grew with 5.4%. Anitra Steen, Chief Executive, commented: “growing household income and a decrease in travellers’ carrying alcohol with

Whisky from Öland

As opposed to many other internationally famous spirits (Calvados, Cognac,…) whisky does not have a regionally protected name. You can make whisky anywhere (e.g. in Japan, or on Ireland). Wannborga Distillery & Vineyard and Ölands

Sweden’s first Master of Wine

Ulf Sjödin became Sweden’s first Master of Wine. His normal day job (when not working on the MW exam) is marketing manager at V&S Wine, the wine division of the government owned wine importer and

New information source on Alsace

The Swedish wine enthusiast Per Warfvinge fell in love with Alsace wines and created a very interesting site on Alsatian wines, unfortunately only available in Swedish. After no doubt substantial work he has now translated

Giant winemaker Gallo changes importer in Sweden

One of the world’s largest wine producers, Gallo in California, has changed importer for the Swedish market. The will now be represented by Spendrups Vin instead of their previous importer, the government owned (but up

Restaurant Lagmark, Helsingborg | BKWine Pick

A popular watering hole in the coastal town of Helsingborg, open for lunch and dinner, or for just a glass of wine. The popular tapas, called ‘gourmetas’, are world famous in Helsingborg – two or

The wine market and shop in Beaune

Swedish Wine Importers

An extensive list of importers of wine to Sweden The Swedish wine (and alcohol) trade is split in two distinct parts: the importers and the

Gravad lax, marinated or salt-sugar cured salmon

How to make gravlax – 10 easy steps

This is one of the very luxurious Scandinavian delicacies… Did you say luxurious? 1) It’s really easy to do, 2) salmon is not strikingly expensive…

Swedish wine bar opens in China

Rolf Olofsson was one of the founders of the Barrique Wine Bar in Gothenburg in Sweden some years back. He has left his homeland (and

Australia biggest exporter to Sweden

In dramatic contrast to Denmark, let’s take a look at Sweden and the sales statistics. The “old world” is struggling considerably more here, and in

Duvel Café, Stockholm | BKWine Pick

Don’t be fooled by the name. It’s not a beer hall. The decoration refers back to classic French bistro style with naked wooden tables, wooden

Hos Pelle, Gothenburg | BKWine Pick

Pelle is the name of the chef and ”hos” in Swedish is the same as the French ”chez”, so you’re at Pelle’s Place. The restaurant

Australia top-seller in Sweden

The ranking of the most popular wine countries at the Swedish monopoly retail chain Systembolaget (September 2007) is as follows. Australia has grown with 25%

54% market share for the Swedish monopoly

Systembolaget, the Swedish retail monopoly, announced in its latest newsletter that their market share in Sweden is growing (of course, ‘monopoly’ does not quite mean

The Swedish monopoly grows sales too

The Systembolaget increased sales from January to October with 5.1% measured in ‘pure alcohol’. Wine sales grew with 5.4%. Anitra Steen, Chief Executive, commented: “growing

Whisky from Öland

As opposed to many other internationally famous spirits (Calvados, Cognac,…) whisky does not have a regionally protected name. You can make whisky anywhere (e.g. in

Sweden’s first Master of Wine

Ulf Sjödin became Sweden’s first Master of Wine. His normal day job (when not working on the MW exam) is marketing manager at V&S Wine,

New information source on Alsace

The Swedish wine enthusiast Per Warfvinge fell in love with Alsace wines and created a very interesting site on Alsatian wines, unfortunately only available in

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