Tag: Sweden

Vin på hyllorna i Sveriges mest välsorterade Systembolagsbutik

Life as a small wine importer

A true story Systembolaget, the Swedish wine and spirits monopoly, usually boasts its wide range of products, but as is well known, the majority of all their listed products, especially quality wines, are the result

Merlot just in from harvest, Medoc, Bordeaux

100 hectares of Swedish vineyards

The fact that you make wine in Sweden often surprises foreigners. This is understandable. It is not an obvious wine country. David Morrison, in his blog The Wine Gourd, has taken a closer look at

Fredholms Vin Elsa, Spanish wine award

Fredholms Vineyard receives medals again

We congratulate Fredholms Vingård! It is not often we have the opportunity to write about a Swedish wine winning medals internationally… This small winery in the south of Sweden has once again obtained medals in

Asa Johansson and Sara Nässén on Scandinavian wines

Scandinavian wines come to Piedmont

Italian wines are since long loved by Scandinavians. But on Monday the 27th of May the roles were changed when Scandinavian wines were presented in Piedmont during a seminar held for the Master in Wine

Rålund blueberry wine producer Li Holmberg

A big surprise: Rålund, wine made from blueberries

“The wine world’s outsider, literally” Imagine starting a journey in Jerez down in the sherry triangle and finishing it up among the riesling vineyards in Piesport, Germany. You will then have travelled almost two thousand

Sample 1437 from the Oenoforos Tuscan syrah experiment

Six secret wines show the importance of the winemaker

The wine maker needs a strategy, knowledge and experience, as demonstrated Oenoforo’s experiment About two years ago I was in Tuscany to harvest grapes. Syrah grapes. There are actually a fair amount of syrah planted

Bag-in-box wines on shelves in a Systembolaget shop in Sweden

Sweden is world champion in bag-in-box wines

Swedes are world champions when it comes to drinking bag-in-box wines. In 2017 box wines were separated from bulk wines in international import and export statistics. Up until then, everything over 2 litres was considered

An old outhouse in Rashult at the farm where Linneaus was born, Smaland

Wine Fair with Swedish (!) Wines on July 27-28

Sometimes people as “Do you make wine in Sweden?” A fair question. The climate is obviously not ideal. The answer is “Yes.” I believe there is well less than 100 hectares in total, but quite

A mignardise at Restaurant Alain Senderens

Sweden gets its first 3-star restaurant

A Swedish restaurant has for the first time been awarded three Michelin stars, or three macarons as one also says in France. The one who has manged this achievement is Björn Frantzén at his Restaurant

380 Volts by Milan Nestarec

Restaurant Natur in Gothenburg

We are constantly looking for natural wine bars in Paris (our masochistic streak?). But you can find them in other places as well. For example in Gothenburg on the Swedish west coast. Several restaurants and

Equestrian statue

Swedish winery gets a medal at the AWC Vienna

Sweden is definitely a cool climate wine country. We have a few brave wine producers, most of them very small and most of them in the southernmost part of Sweden. Fredholms Wine Estate in Tyringe

World champions in blind tasting

Swedish team wins Blind Tasting World Championship

With 115 points the Swedish team won the “Blind Tasting World Championship” with an 8 points margin to the silver medallist United Kingdom with 107 points and the number three, Luxembourg with 100. The competition

Self service wine shop in Croatia

More new wine importers and one mistake

Yesterday I did an update of our Big List with Wine Importers. There were 13 new names and 22 that I removed. But it turns out that I had missed some new importers. I received

Vin på hyllorna i Sveriges mest välsorterade Systembolagsbutik

Life as a small wine importer

A true story Systembolaget, the Swedish wine and spirits monopoly, usually boasts its wide range of products, but as is well known, the majority of

Merlot just in from harvest, Medoc, Bordeaux

100 hectares of Swedish vineyards

The fact that you make wine in Sweden often surprises foreigners. This is understandable. It is not an obvious wine country. David Morrison, in his

Asa Johansson and Sara Nässén on Scandinavian wines

Scandinavian wines come to Piedmont

Italian wines are since long loved by Scandinavians. But on Monday the 27th of May the roles were changed when Scandinavian wines were presented in

380 Volts by Milan Nestarec

Restaurant Natur in Gothenburg

We are constantly looking for natural wine bars in Paris (our masochistic streak?). But you can find them in other places as well. For example

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