Côtes de Bourg quick facts
– Some 500 grape growers: 259 independent producers, 171 cooperatuers – 3900 ha vineyards with red grapes, 25 ha (!) with white grapes – Red grape varieties: merlot 65%, cabernet sauvignon 20%, malbec 10%, cabernet
– Some 500 grape growers: 259 independent producers, 171 cooperatuers – 3900 ha vineyards with red grapes, 25 ha (!) with white grapes – Red grape varieties: merlot 65%, cabernet sauvignon 20%, malbec 10%, cabernet
Sales of wine in October were up 7% according to numbers released by Nielsen for the US market. Sales dropped sharply at the beginning of the year but picked up a tiny bit in September.
3.3% of all French vineyards are cultivated organically. It adds up to a total of 28 000 ha. The acreage increased with 25% in 2008. the agricultural ministry has set a target of 20% of
According to the latest statistics (up to August) from Catalonia the total surface area of vineyards farmed organically has increased by 35% over the first eight months this year. Organic vineyard farming has now reached
The forecast from the US Wine Market: Impact Databank Review and Forecast 2009 Edition shows that wine consumption in the US will continue to increase in 2009, albeit with only 0.6%. It will then be
According to estimations by the French customs (who keep track of it) the French will drink less wine in the current 12 month period ’08-’09 (“la campagne 08-09”) than ever before: only 30 million hl,
Some Danish wine statistics: According to the Wine and Spirit Organisation in Denmark, and Vinavisen.dk Chile is the top wine supplier to Denmark with a market share of 17%, followed closely by France with 16%.
For the first six months 2009 Austrian wine exports were up 10% in volume and only marginally down in value (-1.8%). Austria needs be cautious in the longer run though, since the general price level
How much alcohol do people drink in different countries? Here’s some statistics on the alcohol consumption, counted in litres per capita (persons over 15), for 2003: 1. Luxemburg: 15.5 l 2. France: 14.8 l 3.
World exports of wine was marginally down in 2008 to reach 89 Mhl, -0.4 Mhl compared to 2007. That follows a big increase between 2006 and 2007 of 5.6 Mhl. (Why world exports is bigger
World imports shrunk slightly to reach 84 Mhl in 2008, down 1.4 Mhl from 2007. (2007 recorded substantial increase over 2006 with +4.6 Mhl). Biggest importer is of course Germany (13 Mhl) with its substantial
The world-wide consumption of wine shrank somewhat in 2008 to reach 245 Mhl (down with 2.4 Mhl from 2007). Even if there is a gap between consumption and production we are far from the “wine
World wine production in 2008 is estimated to be slightly down from 2007: 269 million hl, which is 0.4 Mhl less than 2007. The world’s biggest wine producer in 2008 will be Italy with almost
Much of the world’s grape production is used for other things than wine. The productivity (tonnes/ha) varies enormously from country to country, which is the reason why the grape ranking is very different from vineyard
Spain is the country with the largest area under vine, almost 40% more than France and Italy, which are second and third. Total vineyard area in the world is 7,741 million ha. Europe has 58%
Facts and figures on Bordeaux 34% of all Bordeaux goes on export, 66% goes down in France Exports decreased with 7% in 2008 to reach 1.8 Mhl. 1998 was record year with 2.5 Mhl exported.
In 2008 Italy’s biggest export markets were: – USA: 789 M euro – Germany: 743 ME – Great Britain: 478 ME – Switzerland: 220 ME – Canada: 200 ME – Japan: 101 ME – The
For the 12 months to March 2009 South African wine exports reached 4.1 million hl. That is about two thirds of the total production in Bordeaux. The biggest export markets were: United Kingdom 1,16 Mhl
The latest export numbers we found was from 2006: a total of 14 million litres were exported (excluding sparkling wines). 58% were red or rosé and 42% white. The main export destinations: UK: 20% of
Sopexa, the French marketing agency for wine and other agricultural products, has conducted a big survey called the Wine Trade Monitor. The study is based on 1400 respondents in 16 countries. The survey will be
The world’s biggest wine exporter is Italy with 17.2 Mhl (down from 18.5 Mhl in 2007). In second place we now have Spain: 16.5 Mhl (15.1 Mhl) and in third place France, with a big
The item that has probably attracted the most attention is that the USA passes Italy in wine consumption in 2008. They now drink more wine in the US than in the old country: 27.3 Mhl
The total world wine production is estimated to have reached 269 Mhl in 2008. Within the EU production fell: 161.6 Mhl compared to 163.7 Mhl in 2007. Details: France -4.6 Mhl, Spain -2.2 Mhl, Italy
Consumption of wine in 2008 shrunk with 2 million hl, but the world wine market is becoming increasingly global. 37% of all wine produced were exported, i.e. were drunk in another country than where it
What is your guess? Cabernet? Syrah? Ugni blanc? Or something else? No, none of those. For most of the 20th century it was carignan, but half of that acreage has been up-rooted, primarily in the
It’s unusual to hear negative numbers from Champagne but in 2008 exports fell with 4.8% to reach “only” 322 million bottles. Counted in value it is estimated to have added up to 4.5 bn euro.
Wine exports from France reach in 2008 virtually the same level as in 2007, counted in value. The total value of the exports reached 6.8 bn euro. If you look at the volume, though, exports
Wine exports from South Africa grew with almost 32 % in 2008 to reach 4 million hectolitres. The biggest export market is Great Britain where volume growth was 22%. South Africa has reached fifth place
According to the screw cap producer Guala 15% of all the world’s wines are now sealed with screw cap, thanks to an increase of 25% for the metallic closure in 2008. According to Nomacorc, who
$1,008,259,000 is the number, so the billion was passed with a whisker. That’s the value of American wine exports in 2008 which was an increase with 6%. More than 90% of the wine comes from
– Some 500 grape growers: 259 independent producers, 171 cooperatuers – 3900 ha vineyards with red grapes, 25 ha (!) with white grapes – Red
Sales of wine in October were up 7% according to numbers released by Nielsen for the US market. Sales dropped sharply at the beginning of
3.3% of all French vineyards are cultivated organically. It adds up to a total of 28 000 ha. The acreage increased with 25% in 2008.
According to the latest statistics (up to August) from Catalonia the total surface area of vineyards farmed organically has increased by 35% over the first
The forecast from the US Wine Market: Impact Databank Review and Forecast 2009 Edition shows that wine consumption in the US will continue to increase
According to estimations by the French customs (who keep track of it) the French will drink less wine in the current 12 month period ’08-’09
Some Danish wine statistics: According to the Wine and Spirit Organisation in Denmark, and Vinavisen.dk Chile is the top wine supplier to Denmark with a
For the first six months 2009 Austrian wine exports were up 10% in volume and only marginally down in value (-1.8%). Austria needs be cautious
How much alcohol do people drink in different countries? Here’s some statistics on the alcohol consumption, counted in litres per capita (persons over 15), for
World exports of wine was marginally down in 2008 to reach 89 Mhl, -0.4 Mhl compared to 2007. That follows a big increase between 2006
World imports shrunk slightly to reach 84 Mhl in 2008, down 1.4 Mhl from 2007. (2007 recorded substantial increase over 2006 with +4.6 Mhl). Biggest
The world-wide consumption of wine shrank somewhat in 2008 to reach 245 Mhl (down with 2.4 Mhl from 2007). Even if there is a gap
World wine production in 2008 is estimated to be slightly down from 2007: 269 million hl, which is 0.4 Mhl less than 2007. The world’s
Much of the world’s grape production is used for other things than wine. The productivity (tonnes/ha) varies enormously from country to country, which is the
Spain is the country with the largest area under vine, almost 40% more than France and Italy, which are second and third. Total vineyard area
Facts and figures on Bordeaux 34% of all Bordeaux goes on export, 66% goes down in France Exports decreased with 7% in 2008 to reach
In 2008 Italy’s biggest export markets were: – USA: 789 M euro – Germany: 743 ME – Great Britain: 478 ME – Switzerland: 220 ME
For the 12 months to March 2009 South African wine exports reached 4.1 million hl. That is about two thirds of the total production in
The latest export numbers we found was from 2006: a total of 14 million litres were exported (excluding sparkling wines). 58% were red or rosé
Sopexa, the French marketing agency for wine and other agricultural products, has conducted a big survey called the Wine Trade Monitor. The study is based
The world’s biggest wine exporter is Italy with 17.2 Mhl (down from 18.5 Mhl in 2007). In second place we now have Spain: 16.5 Mhl
The item that has probably attracted the most attention is that the USA passes Italy in wine consumption in 2008. They now drink more wine
The total world wine production is estimated to have reached 269 Mhl in 2008. Within the EU production fell: 161.6 Mhl compared to 163.7 Mhl
Consumption of wine in 2008 shrunk with 2 million hl, but the world wine market is becoming increasingly global. 37% of all wine produced were
What is your guess? Cabernet? Syrah? Ugni blanc? Or something else? No, none of those. For most of the 20th century it was carignan, but
It’s unusual to hear negative numbers from Champagne but in 2008 exports fell with 4.8% to reach “only” 322 million bottles. Counted in value it
Wine exports from France reach in 2008 virtually the same level as in 2007, counted in value. The total value of the exports reached 6.8
Wine exports from South Africa grew with almost 32 % in 2008 to reach 4 million hectolitres. The biggest export market is Great Britain where
According to the screw cap producer Guala 15% of all the world’s wines are now sealed with screw cap, thanks to an increase of 25%
$1,008,259,000 is the number, so the billion was passed with a whisker. That’s the value of American wine exports in 2008 which was an increase
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