Tag: statistics

Bag-in-box – a local phenomena?

If you were in Sweden you might think that the world’s wine packaging is dominated by bag-in-box. Well over half of all wine sold in Sweden is sold in BiB (“it’s so very convenient”). Internationally

Best-selling wines (in UK shops)

The list of top-selling wines is not, as could be expected, a particularly inspiring reading. Off License News, the English drinks magazine, makes a survey of the drinks business in the UK every year together

Natural cork hits back

The English drinks magazine Off License News conducts a survey of consumer preferences for closures since a few years back. the question they ask is “What kind of closure do you prefer?” Last year screw

Plastic capsule to spread pheromones for sexual confusion

3% in France subject to sexual confusion

Sexual confusion is a viticultural practice that aims to protect the vineyards from insects without the need to spray insecticides. One of the pests that vineyards may suffer is the grape worm (eudemis and cocylis

Can you count to Châteauneuf-du-Pape?

Châteauneuf-du-Pape has over the last decade or two seen a tremendous development both in terms of popularity and more importantly in terms of quality of the wines (hopefully the two aspects are linked). It has

Malbec consumption up 60%

According to statistics from Nielsen in the USA sales of malbec wines (made from the grape variety malbec) have increased with 60% over the last year (Jan 09 to Jan 10). The stats show that

France made 47 Mhl wine in 2009 (a slight increase)

According to statistics from the French customs office (who collects such statistics) the total wine production reached 47 million hl in 2009. This is an increase from 2008 when only 43 Mhl was made. On

World wine production is stable in 2009

If we look at world wine production it turns out that it is quite stable in 2009: only a slight increase on 2008 to reach 268 million hectolitres. Europe accounted for 68% of the total

World’s grape production stable

The production of grapes was stable in 2009: 69 million tons were produced (for wine, juice, raisins etc). In a longer perspective the trend has been steadily increasing, albeit in later years stable. In 1995

Who drinks the most champagne?

A while back we wrote about the world’s biggest markets for champagne. At the time we did not have, as we noted, any numbers for who is actually the biggest champagne consuming nation. A helpful

Ripe merlot grapes on the vine in Saint Emilion, Bordeaux

Bordeaux Facts

– There are 60 different appellations(AOC / AOP) in total in the Bordeaux region – 118,000 hectares of vines in total (2009) – 5.7 million hl wine produced, which is +20 compared to 2008 but

More champagne!

Yes, another note on champagne, one on more champagne. The production in the Champagne region has shot up substantially over the last 50 years or so. Here are some numbers (source: CIVC/the Drinks Business): Total

Who drinks the most champagne?

It’s not a personal question but of nations. The biggest export market for champagne is the United Kingdom with 36 million bottles (in 2008), flowed by the USA. Here’s the top list (source: CIVC/The Drinks

Vodka drinkers world-wide

The world is drinking a lot of vodka. The biggest market is, unsurprisingly, Russia, followed by the USA. Here are the top tipplers (2008 numbers, source: The Drinks Business): Russia: 269 million cases USA: 55

World wine consumption and wine production down in 2009

The world wide wine consumption continues to decline somewhat according to the latest statistics for 2009 from OIV (Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin). Consumption decreased with almost 3% to reach 237 million

Austrian wine export surges

Austrian wine export for 2009 went much better than expected in 2009. Export sales was up by 5.3% in volume and 16% in value compared to 2008. Total exports reached 70 million litres, worth 119

Not fun in Champagne

As expected 2009 was a difficult year for Champagne – the wine district that otherwise over recent time has suffered very little (none, to be precise) of the hardship that most wine regions have seen.

Cow horns are used in biodynamic wine growing

What is ”organic wine”?

It’s not always easy to get to grips with the terminology, so here’s a short introduction. Strictly speaking one should talk about “wine made from organically grown grapes” since it is only what is done

Record wine sales expected in Sweden

According to the forecast at the end of last year 2009 will be a record year for wine sales in Sweden. If December sales were as expected (as hoped for, is probably not the right

Alsace Grand Cru quick facts

– 51 ’lieu dits’ (place names) are included in the Grand Cru denomination, covering 1,750 hectares – 914 ha of GC is in production (compared to a total of 11,459 ha for Alsace and 3,162

Bag-in-box – a local phenomena?

If you were in Sweden you might think that the world’s wine packaging is dominated by bag-in-box. Well over half of all wine sold in

Best-selling wines (in UK shops)

The list of top-selling wines is not, as could be expected, a particularly inspiring reading. Off License News, the English drinks magazine, makes a survey

Natural cork hits back

The English drinks magazine Off License News conducts a survey of consumer preferences for closures since a few years back. the question they ask is

Can you count to Châteauneuf-du-Pape?

Châteauneuf-du-Pape has over the last decade or two seen a tremendous development both in terms of popularity and more importantly in terms of quality of

Malbec consumption up 60%

According to statistics from Nielsen in the USA sales of malbec wines (made from the grape variety malbec) have increased with 60% over the last

World’s grape production stable

The production of grapes was stable in 2009: 69 million tons were produced (for wine, juice, raisins etc). In a longer perspective the trend has

Who drinks the most champagne?

A while back we wrote about the world’s biggest markets for champagne. At the time we did not have, as we noted, any numbers for

Ripe merlot grapes on the vine in Saint Emilion, Bordeaux

Bordeaux Facts

– There are 60 different appellations(AOC / AOP) in total in the Bordeaux region – 118,000 hectares of vines in total (2009) – 5.7 million

More champagne!

Yes, another note on champagne, one on more champagne. The production in the Champagne region has shot up substantially over the last 50 years or

Who drinks the most champagne?

It’s not a personal question but of nations. The biggest export market for champagne is the United Kingdom with 36 million bottles (in 2008), flowed

Vodka drinkers world-wide

The world is drinking a lot of vodka. The biggest market is, unsurprisingly, Russia, followed by the USA. Here are the top tipplers (2008 numbers,

Austrian wine export surges

Austrian wine export for 2009 went much better than expected in 2009. Export sales was up by 5.3% in volume and 16% in value compared

Not fun in Champagne

As expected 2009 was a difficult year for Champagne – the wine district that otherwise over recent time has suffered very little (none, to be

Cow horns are used in biodynamic wine growing

What is ”organic wine”?

It’s not always easy to get to grips with the terminology, so here’s a short introduction. Strictly speaking one should talk about “wine made from

Alsace Grand Cru quick facts

– 51 ’lieu dits’ (place names) are included in the Grand Cru denomination, covering 1,750 hectares – 914 ha of GC is in production (compared

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