Tag: statistics

Steep slopes vineyards with vineyard workers in Condrieu, Rhone Valley

More expensive to hire seasonal workers in France

Starting this year, the government in France has annulled some of the exceptions to the social security contributions for seasonal workers that the agricultural employers have previously enjoyed. In other words, it is now more

Sculpture at the Palais Royale in Paris, chrome silver spheres, balls

Wine more important than football (soccer)!

In France, people talk more frequently about wine than about football (the European soccer version of course). 72% of the French say they talk about wine with some regularity, but only 44% talk about of

An old farm house in Sweden, where Linnaeus was born

What do the French drink at home?

FranceAgriMer, a body linked to the French Ministry of Agriculture, has recently published statistics on how much still wine the French households buy and drink at home (sparkling wine not included). The French buy a

Strong demand for organic wines

Both the demand for and the production of organic wine continues to experience strong growth, according to the latest numbers from Millesime Bio. Over seven percent of the French vineyards are now working according to

The Germans like their Sekt

7% of all wine produced in the world is sparkling, according to Vitisphere. This is an increase of 2% since 2002. 65% of the sparkling wines come from France, followed by Italy, Germany, Spain and

“Together we are strong“ say the wine co-operatives, some stats

Wine cooperatives are strong in France and especially in Languedoc-Roussillon where you find 70 % of them. Here are some interesting figures from the Fédération des Vignerons Coopérateurs Languedoc-Roussillon (Languedoc-Roussillon accounts for approximately 35 %

Men shop for wine – with some difficulty

In France, women buy the food and men the wine. Of course, with some generalization, but in La Vigne, we read of a survey conducted by the company SymphonyIRI showing that 55% of wine buyers

Vineyards with sandy soil and old vines in Castilla y Leon in Spain, prieto picudo variety

Europe’s big wine countries are getting smaller

Since 2008, France, Italy and Spain have pulled up vineyards and this has resulted in a European vineyard decrease of 4%, according to La Vigne. A total of 160 550 hectares of wine-growing land have

Pinot noir bunches on the vine just before harvest in Alsace

World Wine Statistics 2010

Statistics and other numbers for the world of wine in 2010: the planted vineyard acreage, the wine production, wine consumption, wine exports and imports. (A summary of previously published stats. Source for all: OIV) World

All time high for Bordeaux export

Le Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bordeaux , CIVB, has recently published the 2011 export figures for Bordeaux. And the figures are impressive and actually the highest ever. 2.16 million hectolitres of Bordeaux were exported

World wine exports booming; top 12 countries

It is in the world wine export numbers (international trade in wine) where you see the real boom. Wine is more and more consumed outside the country of production. There are two big drivers behind

Vineyard in Limoux, Languedoc, with a view over the Pyrenees

World vineyard acreage: diminishing; top 12 countries

Global vineyard surface area shrunk in 2010 to 7.6 million hectares, loosing around 10,000ha. The “old world” is still very dominant although the “New World have increased in importance, gaining just over nine percentage points

A quarter of a million video views on BKWine TV

We are a bit surprised ourselves. We recently passed 250,000 (yes, a quarter of a million!) video views on YouTube for our wine videos. We started doing video four years ago mostly for fun and

Chile expands vineyard area with 6.5%

According to the latest statistics vineyard acreage grew with 6.5% in Chile in 2009. They now have 111 52 ha planted with vines to produce wine. 73% of the vineyards are planted with red grapes

The world’s best selling vodka is…?

So is the world’s biggest selling vodka brand something one has heard of? Actually it is. The leading brand is Smirnoff that sells almost twice as much (24 M 9l cases) than the number two,

The world’s biggest selling whisky is…?

The world’s biggest selling whisky is not what one thinks. It is a “local” Indian brand called Bagpiper. The biggest “international” whisky is Johnnie Walker that comes third. Here is the top ten: Bagpiper, India

An old farm house in Sweden, where Linnaeus was born

What do the French drink at home?

FranceAgriMer, a body linked to the French Ministry of Agriculture, has recently published statistics on how much still wine the French households buy and drink

Strong demand for organic wines

Both the demand for and the production of organic wine continues to experience strong growth, according to the latest numbers from Millesime Bio. Over seven

The Germans like their Sekt

7% of all wine produced in the world is sparkling, according to Vitisphere. This is an increase of 2% since 2002. 65% of the sparkling

Pinot noir bunches on the vine just before harvest in Alsace

World Wine Statistics 2010

Statistics and other numbers for the world of wine in 2010: the planted vineyard acreage, the wine production, wine consumption, wine exports and imports. (A

All time high for Bordeaux export

Le Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bordeaux , CIVB, has recently published the 2011 export figures for Bordeaux. And the figures are impressive and actually

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