Tag: statistics

"Shipping all over the world", sign on a wine shop in Bordeaux

Export wine, yes, but at what price?

Wine is found in all possible price ranges. One is as often amazed at how inexpensive wines can be as at how expensive wines can be. At what prices do different wine countries sell their

Vineyard in Franschhoek with merlot at Rickety Bridge

The top-ten grape varieties in France

France has 806,000 hectares planted with vines. This area includes about 70,000 hectares used for Cognac. Three grape varieties take up one third of this area: Merlot (112,000 hectares), Ugni Blanc (82,000 hectares, which is

Bottles in pupitres for remuage in Champagne

Record year for Champagne 2017

Comité Champagne has published their sales figures for 2017. Champagne made a record turnover of 4.9 billion euros in 2017. 307 million bottles were sold, a slight increase compared with 2016. The sales record counted

Cabernet Sauvignon

Cabernet Sauvignon more and more popular in Washington

No, this is not about preferences in the White House. We are talking about wine production in Washington State, north of California and Oregon. Cabernet Sauvignon has grown significantly, from 560 hectares in the early

Jean-Marie Aurand, director general of the OIV

World wine production 2017 drastically reduced

OIV, International Organisation Of Vine And Wine, presented recently preliminary figures for the world’s wine production in 2017. “As expected,” said director general Jean-Marie Aurand, “the production has been affected by the extreme heat and

Mont Tauch Cave Cooperative co-operative, Fitou, Languedoc

The world’s 10 biggest wine producers

The wine world is not only small picturesque vineyards in a rural setting with a horse pulling a plough between the vines. There are also large groups with international businesses. Euromonitor has listed the top

Terraced vineyard. Priorato, Catalonia, Spain

Vineyard surface in the 18 EU wine countries

Of the 28 member states of the EU, 18 counts officially as wine countries. Wine is made also in Denmark, Sweden and Poland but you have to have more than 500 hectares planted to be

South African wines gaining ground in the US

Americans drink more and more South African wine and they drink higher quality South African wines. Sales of South African wines in the United States increased by 14% in the past 12 months and the

Cafe and wine bar with people on the Piazza delle Erbe in Verona

Veneto, wine champion in Italy

Vineyards are everywhere in Italy. The vineyard surface is as large as France – around 800 000 hectares – but the country is very much smaller. In contrast to France, Italy have vineyards in all

Tanks with cooling coils, Chateau Belgrave, Haut Medoc, Bordeaux

Is the world heading for a wine shortage?

So far there has never been any shortage of wine in the world. Rather the opposite. For a long time there was a large surplus but since some years back this surplus is gone. Now

Trending: English wine, mainly sparkling

There is a lot of talk about English wine at the moment. Not least of the sparkling wine that makes headlines every other day. Either it is champagne houses that invest in English vineyards or

Champagne bottles in a pupitre for remuage

Which country drinks the most Champagne?

The Champagne trade association Comité Champagne (CIVC) has recently published the 2015 export figures for champagne. Britain is still the country that imports the greatest volume of champagne while the United States is the number

Vineyard in Franschhoek with merlot at Rickety Bridge

The top-ten grape varieties in France

France has 806,000 hectares planted with vines. This area includes about 70,000 hectares used for Cognac. Three grape varieties take up one third of this

Bottles in pupitres for remuage in Champagne

Record year for Champagne 2017

Comité Champagne has published their sales figures for 2017. Champagne made a record turnover of 4.9 billion euros in 2017. 307 million bottles were sold,

Jean-Marie Aurand, director general of the OIV

World wine production 2017 drastically reduced

OIV, International Organisation Of Vine And Wine, presented recently preliminary figures for the world’s wine production in 2017. “As expected,” said director general Jean-Marie Aurand,

Cafe and wine bar with people on the Piazza delle Erbe in Verona

Veneto, wine champion in Italy

Vineyards are everywhere in Italy. The vineyard surface is as large as France – around 800 000 hectares – but the country is very much

Champagne bottles in a pupitre for remuage

Which country drinks the most Champagne?

The Champagne trade association Comité Champagne (CIVC) has recently published the 2015 export figures for champagne. Britain is still the country that imports the greatest

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