Tag: spraying

Working in a steep vineyard

Champagne rejects astronaut in advertising campaign

Atout France is a government organization that is responsible for promoting various French tourist destinations. Recently, it launched an ad campaign aimed at French tourists. The slogan for the campaign is “France, tout un monde

Cleaning with water spray a big tractor equipped for spraying

Lower copper limit for organic wine producers. Maybe.

Being an organic winegrower means that you are obliged to spray with copper to prevent certain fungal diseases rather than using synthetic pesticides. Copper is effective primarily against mildiou. As with all other pesticides the

Marselan, recently planted vines

A future with herbicides replaced by thermal foam?

More and more herbicides are prohibited. What will happen to glyphosate and flumioxazin, two key ingredients in a variety of herbicides, is currently unclear. Many winemakers are preparing for a future without chemical weed removal.

Bayer buys Monsanto?

To combat pests, diseases, and to remove weeds belong to the everyday tasks of a farmer and a wine grower. There is a lot of money – and controversy – in pesticides so therefore the

Glyphosate, a herbicide to be allowed, or not?

The debate around glyphosate continues. The product is used as an herbicide, in for instance Roundup. It has been, since a while back, on EU’s list of unsafe products that maybe should be phased out.

Lower the copper doses or not in the vineyard?

The copper doses are a constant headache for organic growers. The French authority ANSES (a food and health authority) and the European Commission want to reduce the permitted level from 6 kilogram per hectare and

Cleaning with water spray a big tractor equipped for spraying

Less spraying with resistant grape varieties

For more than a decade there has been research going on in France in order to obtain grape varieties that are resistant to the fungal diseases oidium and mildiou. The research organization INRA believe that

First “natural” herbicide launched

The first “natural” herbicide is now available on the market. The name is Beloukha and the company that manufactures the product is called Jade. Beloukha is a fatty acid derived from rapeseed oil. Spraying with

Stricter rules in Austria for spraying with copper

Organic producers are criticized for their use of copper in the vineyards. The EU allows 6 kilograms of copper per hectare and per year for organic producers, as we mentioned recently (Organic viticulture: How do

Organic viticulture: How do you use less copper?

It does not matter if you are organic or not. All vineyards can suffer from various diseases. Against certain fungal diseases, downy mildew for example, you can spray with copper, usually in the form of

Grape bunch attacked by grey rot

New organic pesticide against rot (botrytis)

UK research company Eden Research has developed an organic pesticide, called 3AEY. The product has now been approved for sale in the EU. 3AEY is made of tea tree oil and lemon juice and is

Spraying by helicopter, forbidden but not quite

Should spraying by helicopter or air-plane be banned? Yes, says Segolène Royale, the French Minister for ecology, sustainability and energy (as well as ex-presidential candidate and ex-partner of the current president). There is actually already

Cleaning with water spray a big tractor equipped for spraying

Pure and healthy country air?

Well, not always. In the district of Blaye in the Bordeaux region recently an entire school class was taken to hospital after having exhibited symptoms of poisoning, which apparently were due to a wine producer

Copper, less dangerous than we think? Or not?

At the end of May, the EU Commission will decide whether to keep the present levels of copper permitted for organic growers or if the levels should be reduced. Currently, organic growers are allowed to

Saved by the bell? (Or by the copper in the vineyard?)

No, more likely by copper. Many organic growers survive thanks to the permission they have to spray with copper against the severe fungal disease mildiou. This applies not least to the organic growers in Burgundy

Mandatory spraying in the vineyard

It can be costly to refuse to spray against the grasshopper that spread the disease flavescence corée. Flavescence dorée is a bacterial disease that weakens the vine. The only thing you can do to prevent

Copper harms beneficial bacteria

Copper is an effective way to fight the fungal disease mildiou. However, spraying too much copper in the vineyard is not good for the soil and the water and this has been known a long

Plastic capsule to spread pheromones for sexual confusion

3% in France subject to sexual confusion

Sexual confusion is a viticultural practice that aims to protect the vineyards from insects without the need to spray insecticides. One of the pests that vineyards may suffer is the grape worm (eudemis and cocylis

Bayer buys Monsanto?

To combat pests, diseases, and to remove weeds belong to the everyday tasks of a farmer and a wine grower. There is a lot of

First “natural” herbicide launched

The first “natural” herbicide is now available on the market. The name is Beloukha and the company that manufactures the product is called Jade. Beloukha

Cleaning with water spray a big tractor equipped for spraying

Pure and healthy country air?

Well, not always. In the district of Blaye in the Bordeaux region recently an entire school class was taken to hospital after having exhibited symptoms

Mandatory spraying in the vineyard

It can be costly to refuse to spray against the grasshopper that spread the disease flavescence corée. Flavescence dorée is a bacterial disease that weakens

Copper harms beneficial bacteria

Copper is an effective way to fight the fungal disease mildiou. However, spraying too much copper in the vineyard is not good for the soil

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