Tag: politics

Pinot grapes in a press in Champagne

Champagne harvest yield in 2021 agreed: 10 tons

In July every year, the houses and growers in Champagne agree on the year’s harvest yield. A curious regulation in this region. In 2021, it will be 10,000 kilos per hectare (approx. 64 hl/ha). The

A gate / fence at a winery in Ningxia, China

China imposes import duties on wine from Australia

Relations between China and Australia have been strained for some time. At the end of November, China imposed import taxes on Australian wines of up to 212%, a major blow to the Australian wine industry.

Vineyard in Bordeaux with grass and grass removed

Corsican wine region bans glyphosate

The discussion about the future of glyphosate continues. It is very contested if glyphosate is dangerous or not at all dangerous (when properly used). In 2022, it will again be on the EU agenda, until

No California Champagne in Napa Valley

Despite persistent attempts by France to bring about a ban, it is still permissible for Californian winemakers, under certain circumstances, to call their sparkling wine “California Champagne” (but not within the EU of course!). At

Lower the copper doses or not in the vineyard?

The copper doses are a constant headache for organic growers. The French authority ANSES (a food and health authority) and the European Commission want to reduce the permitted level from 6 kilogram per hectare and

Fewer regions in France

France makes serious (?) attempts to cut down its large state and municipal administration. One step has been to merge a number of regions. This merger took effect on January 1st, 2016. France had previously

The business of Bordeaux and China | Per on Forbes

A few years back China became Bordeaux’s biggest export market. Over a few years the Chinese market grew from almost nothing to become the market that Bordeaux could not live without. How this happened is

Congratulations INAO, 80 years this year!

This year we congratulate the INAO which was founded in 1935, 80 years ago. Then it was called Institut national des appellations d’origine. Nowadays the name has changed to the Institut national de l’origine et

Systembolaget’s Code of Ethical Conduct

We recently wrote about the Swedish State monopoly Systembolaget’s Code of Conduct for “ethical” wines. We were, however, not totally correct when we said that “Systembolaget […] adopted a few years back a so-called code

Are women better than men at making wine?

Are there any differences in wines made by female winemakers and male winemaker? Do women make different wines? Maybe that was the hypothesis, or maybe it was just a (good) excuse to invite a number

Bordeaux CIVB wine business press conference 2014

The annual press conference of CIVB, Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux (the Bordeaux producers’ joint organisation for development, control, lobbying and political actions), with Bernard Farges, president, and Allan Sichel, vice-président and president of

Planting Rights in Europe will remain

The planting rights in the EU were supposed to disappear. The decision was taken. And then it would have been possible for wine growers to plant more grapes if they thought they could sell more

The alcohol monopoly to be abolished?

I wish this heading would be about Sweden but it is not. It is about Pennsylvania where a new law was almost passed that would abolish the existing monopoly on alcohol (wine, beer spirits) sales

Major wine consuming countries 2000-2012

The world’s wine consumption 2000-2012

Global wine consumption: who drinks the most wine? Global wine consumption was stable in 2012 at 243 Mhl. Since 2000 wine consumption has increased somewhat, up 8%. After a peak at 255 Mhl in 2007

Global wine production 2000-2012

The world’s wine production 2000-2012

Global wine production down in 2012, Europe declining, most others growing. Is Europe strangling its wine sector? Global wine production decreased 6% in 2012 to 252 million hectolitres. This was partially due to a very

Vineyard in Bordeaux with grass and grass removed

Corsican wine region bans glyphosate

The discussion about the future of glyphosate continues. It is very contested if glyphosate is dangerous or not at all dangerous (when properly used). In

No California Champagne in Napa Valley

Despite persistent attempts by France to bring about a ban, it is still permissible for Californian winemakers, under certain circumstances, to call their sparkling wine

Fewer regions in France

France makes serious (?) attempts to cut down its large state and municipal administration. One step has been to merge a number of regions. This

Systembolaget’s Code of Ethical Conduct

We recently wrote about the Swedish State monopoly Systembolaget’s Code of Conduct for “ethical” wines. We were, however, not totally correct when we said that

Bordeaux CIVB wine business press conference 2014

The annual press conference of CIVB, Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux (the Bordeaux producers’ joint organisation for development, control, lobbying and political actions), with

Global wine production 2000-2012

The world’s wine production 2000-2012

Global wine production down in 2012, Europe declining, most others growing. Is Europe strangling its wine sector? Global wine production decreased 6% in 2012 to

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