Tag: pests

Matthieu Dubernet from Laboratoires Dubernet in Languedoc talking about pesticides

What about pesticides in wine?

Are there pesticide residues in wine? That’s become a hot topic in some media recently. We spoke with Matthieu Dubernet from Laboratoires Dubernet in Languedoc, who explained the rules for maximum residue levels (MRL) and

An insect hotel at a winery to encourage biodiversity

How to get happy bees in the vineyard

Making sure that they don’t harm the bees is vital for all farmers. Vines don’t need the help of bees for the fertilization, but there are still bees in the vineyards. The bees actually thrive

Grape bunch attacked by grey rot

New organic pesticide against rot (botrytis)

UK research company Eden Research has developed an organic pesticide, called 3AEY. The product has now been approved for sale in the EU. 3AEY is made of tea tree oil and lemon juice and is

Suzukii fly in the vineyard

A brand new insect has made its debut in the French vineyards. This we were told at one of our visits to Champagne a few weeks ago. This insect is called drosophila suzukii and is

Taste of ladybird

We all like ladybirds, don’t we? But maybe not the taste of them! Drinks Business reports from the “Cool climate conference” that recently took place in Tasmania that ladybugs often are seen as a positive

The wine louse threatens Australia

The wine louse (phylloxera vastatrix) has been found in Australia. The dreaded insect showed it’s ugly head in Europe at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries and almost wiped out all of

Moth new threat to Napa vineyards

A small moth called Western Grapeleaf Skeletonizer is the latest threat to Napa vineyards. One such moth was recently found in a trap in Napa Valley. The evil beast eats the leaves and the grapes

Matthieu Dubernet from Laboratoires Dubernet in Languedoc talking about pesticides

What about pesticides in wine?

Are there pesticide residues in wine? That’s become a hot topic in some media recently. We spoke with Matthieu Dubernet from Laboratoires Dubernet in Languedoc,

Suzukii fly in the vineyard

A brand new insect has made its debut in the French vineyards. This we were told at one of our visits to Champagne a few

Taste of ladybird

We all like ladybirds, don’t we? But maybe not the taste of them! Drinks Business reports from the “Cool climate conference” that recently took place

The wine louse threatens Australia

The wine louse (phylloxera vastatrix) has been found in Australia. The dreaded insect showed it’s ugly head in Europe at the end of the 19th

Moth new threat to Napa vineyards

A small moth called Western Grapeleaf Skeletonizer is the latest threat to Napa vineyards. One such moth was recently found in a trap in Napa

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