Tag: food

Herbs & Spices

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista (FINES) HERBES, f, EPICES, f ÖRTKRYDDOR, KRYDDOR HERBS, SPICES ail, m, ails/aulx (pl), tête (f) d’a., gousse (f) d’a. vitlök, vitlökar, “hel” v.,

Mushrooms, fungi

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista CHAMPIGNONS, m SVAMP MUSHROOMS cèpe, m Karl Johan-svamp, karljohansvamp, stensopp porcini/cèpe mushrooms (boletus edulis) champignon (de Paris) champignon button/cultivated mushroom champignon sauvage skogssvamp

Fruit & Berries

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista FRUITS, BAIES, m FRUKT OCH BÄR FRUIT, BERRIES abricot, m aprikoser apricot airelle, f (à fruits rouges) lingon lingon-berry agrume, m (mpl) citrusfrukt

Fish, Shellfish & Seafood

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista Important: It is often VERY difficult to precisely translate the names of some fish. Fish species are not identical in different parts of

Offal et al.

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista TRIPERIE/ABATS INÄLVSMATSBUTIK/INÄLVSMAT OFFAL andouille/andouillette, f inälvskorv sausage made of chitterlings cervelle, cerveau(x) (d’agneau, de veau) hjärna brains coeur, m hjärta heart foie lever


Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista © Copyright BKWine This glossary is available to you free of charge. In return we ask that you help us improve it. Send


Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista GIBIER, m VILT GAME biche, f hind doe cerf, m hjort deer chevreuil, m rådjur roe/venison élan, m älg elk, moose lièvre, m

Game Birds

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista GIBIER DE PLUME VILTFÅGEL GAME BIRDS bécasse, f morkulla woodcock canard (m) sauvage vildand wild duck faisan, m / faisane, f fasan pheasant


Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista VOLAILLE, f FÅGEL POULTRY aiguillette, f tunn skiva från bröstet thin slice from the breast aile, f bröstbit, vinge breast on the bone,


Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista CHARCUTERIES CHARKUTERIER ~DELICATESSEN andouille/andouillette, f inälvskorv sausage made of chitterlings boudin (m) blanc vit korv gjord på kalv/kyckling white pudding boudin, m (noir)

Cheese from cow, goat, sheep


Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista FROMAGE OST CHEESE affiné lagrad matured (= kept by the cheese maker or cheese seller until it has matured) affineur en som mognadslagrar

Food Dictionary Introduction

Short Gastronomic Glossary: English-French-Swedish This glossary contains words and expressions that you may encounter when you go shopping for food. It is based on real life experience which is why some translations are different from

Fresh vegetables, just home from the market


The vegetable section of our Gastronomic Dictionary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista LÉGUMES, m GRÖNSAKER VEGETABLES ail, m (gousse d’) vitlök (klyfta) (clove of) garlic arachide, f jordnöt- (t ex olja)

Sex sells cheese

Maybe they simply thought it was worth a try. For the fifth consecutive year the Association Fromage et Terroir publishes a calendar with cheesy photos. Each year they have featured lightly clad ladies, but this

Wine-filled chocolate, wine-flavoured salt…

Christmas time is often when we indulge (more than usual) in sweets and other goodies. Is chocolate filled with wine the perfect Christmas present for the wine lover? 80% merlot, 20% cabernet sauvignon, 72 %

Gravad lax, marinated or salt-sugar cured salmon

How to make gravlax – 10 easy steps

This is one of the very luxurious Scandinavian delicacies… Did you say luxurious? 1) It’s really easy to do, 2) salmon is not strikingly expensive… And it’s very good! Some call it gravlax salmon, which

Åsa’s … olive oil of the month

Querce2 The olive oil of the month comes from Tuscany and the partly Swedish-owned farm Querce2, just south of Florence. They make an excellent oil that fulfils all requirements to be called “eccellente”, as the

Grand Crus Classés, Grands Chefs Etoilés

Grand Crus Classés, Grands Chefs Etoilés By: Sophie Brissaud, photo Cyril le Tourneur d’Ison & Iris Sullivan, plus many contributing chefs and sommeliers Publisher: Editions de la Martinière It’s logical. This is a book made

Herbs & Spices

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista (FINES) HERBES, f, EPICES, f ÖRTKRYDDOR, KRYDDOR HERBS, SPICES ail, m, ails/aulx (pl),

Mushrooms, fungi

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista CHAMPIGNONS, m SVAMP MUSHROOMS cèpe, m Karl Johan-svamp, karljohansvamp, stensopp porcini/cèpe mushrooms (boletus

Fruit & Berries

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista FRUITS, BAIES, m FRUKT OCH BÄR FRUIT, BERRIES abricot, m aprikoser apricot airelle,

Fish, Shellfish & Seafood

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista Important: It is often VERY difficult to precisely translate the names of some

Offal et al.

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista TRIPERIE/ABATS INÄLVSMATSBUTIK/INÄLVSMAT OFFAL andouille/andouillette, f inälvskorv sausage made of chitterlings cervelle, cerveau(x) (d’agneau,


Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista © Copyright BKWine This glossary is available to you free of charge. In


Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista GIBIER, m VILT GAME biche, f hind doe cerf, m hjort deer chevreuil,

Game Birds

Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista GIBIER DE PLUME VILTFÅGEL GAME BIRDS bécasse, f morkulla woodcock canard (m) sauvage


Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista VOLAILLE, f FÅGEL POULTRY aiguillette, f tunn skiva från bröstet thin slice from


Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista CHARCUTERIES CHARKUTERIER ~DELICATESSEN andouille/andouillette, f inälvskorv sausage made of chitterlings boudin (m) blanc

Cheese from cow, goat, sheep


Small Gastronomic Glossary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista FROMAGE OST CHEESE affiné lagrad matured (= kept by the cheese maker or

Food Dictionary Introduction

Short Gastronomic Glossary: English-French-Swedish This glossary contains words and expressions that you may encounter when you go shopping for food. It is based on real

Fresh vegetables, just home from the market


The vegetable section of our Gastronomic Dictionary A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista LÉGUMES, m GRÖNSAKER VEGETABLES ail, m (gousse d’) vitlök

Sex sells cheese

Maybe they simply thought it was worth a try. For the fifth consecutive year the Association Fromage et Terroir publishes a calendar with cheesy photos.

Gravad lax, marinated or salt-sugar cured salmon

How to make gravlax – 10 easy steps

This is one of the very luxurious Scandinavian delicacies… Did you say luxurious? 1) It’s really easy to do, 2) salmon is not strikingly expensive…

Åsa’s … olive oil of the month

Querce2 The olive oil of the month comes from Tuscany and the partly Swedish-owned farm Querce2, just south of Florence. They make an excellent oil

Grand Crus Classés, Grands Chefs Etoilés

Grand Crus Classés, Grands Chefs Etoilés By: Sophie Brissaud, photo Cyril le Tourneur d’Ison & Iris Sullivan, plus many contributing chefs and sommeliers Publisher: Editions

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