Tag: Champagne

Frost in northern France

It has been a cold spring in northern France. For growers in Chablis and the Côte d’Or this turned into something really bad during the night between April 26 and 27. It was a frosty

Champagne bottles in a pupitre for remuage

Which country drinks the most Champagne?

The Champagne trade association Comité Champagne (CIVC) has recently published the 2015 export figures for champagne. Britain is still the country that imports the greatest volume of champagne while the United States is the number

New on the wine travel program

We have some news for the autumn travel program, a new destination, as well as some classics. The new destination (i.e. new on the English language program; we’ve done it for many years for Scandinavians)

No more Mumm Champagne at Formula 1

There is much you can do with a bottle of champagne if you don’t want to drink it. You can baptise a ship, you can pour it down the sink (apparently a habit of young

A range of Champagne Fleury

What’s up in Champagne? | Britt on Forbes

I hope your appetite for champagne has not waned now that New Year has passed. Champagne is much more than just bubbly for celebrations. It is a very interesting wine. It is also a wine

Wine tours with BKWine autumn 2016 (and spring)

We will soon have all details on www.bkwinetours.com. But we already have the dates. More information will soon be available on the travel site. Champagne, 14-18 September Bordeaux, 28 Sept – 2 Oct Douro, 12-16

The ten most popular Champagnes in France

Most French buy their wines in supermarkets, GMS as the category is called here. So which brands are the most popular at the moment? We have the list where we find, not surprisingly, big houses

Deposit in a champagne bottle after the second fermentation

Basic facts and figures on Champagne

Champagne is an easy two hour’s car drive east of Paris. Or you can take the fast TGV train that in just 40 minutes takes you straight into the centre of Reims, the capital of

The harvest 2015 in France

Overall it has been a very good year in France. We have seen many happy faces in the vineyards. But nothing is perfect and some regions have had problems. Burgundy: Very high quality. Early flowering,

Champagne Roederer has its own nursery

Champagne Louis Roederer has, as one of the few wine producers in France, been approved as a “pepiniériste privé”, ie as a private nursery for vines. Roederer will now grow their own American root stocks.

Focus on minerals: Louis Roederer Brut Nature 2006

Product development is slow in the wine business. The most recent new product launch by Louis Roederer was in 1974. Now comes the next: Roederer Brut Nature 2006, designed by Philippe Starck. BKWine Magazine’s Tomas

Cleaning with water spray a big tractor equipped for spraying

New environmental certification in Champagne: VDC

Sustainable viticulture is much talked about in Champagne today. A year ago the producer unions starting making great efforts to get the growers to think more about the environment and to work towards sustainably (durable

Champagne with character for the New Year

Now that the New Year is approaching it is interesting to note that the market for sparkling wine in the world has grown a lot in recent years. In 10 years, production has increased by

Frost in northern France

It has been a cold spring in northern France. For growers in Chablis and the Côte d’Or this turned into something really bad during the

Champagne bottles in a pupitre for remuage

Which country drinks the most Champagne?

The Champagne trade association Comité Champagne (CIVC) has recently published the 2015 export figures for champagne. Britain is still the country that imports the greatest

New on the wine travel program

We have some news for the autumn travel program, a new destination, as well as some classics. The new destination (i.e. new on the English

The harvest 2015 in France

Overall it has been a very good year in France. We have seen many happy faces in the vineyards. But nothing is perfect and some

Champagne Roederer has its own nursery

Champagne Louis Roederer has, as one of the few wine producers in France, been approved as a “pepiniériste privé”, ie as a private nursery for

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