Two Languedoc producers on video: Domaine de Nizas and Ch St Jacques d’Albas

Both Domaine de Nizas and Chateau Saint Jacques d’Albas are part of the new wave wine makers in the Languedoc. St Jacques was created seven years ago by a British banker who wanted to change life style and Nizas was launched a few years earlier by an Franco-American entrepreneur who had previously started Clos du Val in California and Taltarni in Australia (he must be picking up a lot of air-miles…). We visited both recently on a tour of the Languedoc and you can watch the video interviews we made with them here:
visit and interview at Domaine de Nizas in Languedoc, and the
interview with Graham Nutter of Chateau St Jacques d’Albas.

And you can find more wine videos on BKWine TV.

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