Bilder ur boken Vinet och miljön

Fotografi i Vinet och miljön

Vinet och miljön, ekologiskt, biodynamiskt och naturligt är rikt illustrerad med fotografier från vingårdar och vinkällare. Bilderna spelar en viktig roll i boken som illustration till de olika begreppen som förklaras. Många av bilderna är unika och visar aspekter av vinodling och vintillverkning som sällan visats upp tidigare.

Samtliga bilder är ur BKWine Photographys arkiv och är upphovsrättsskyddade (copyright). Fotograf är Per Karlsson, med undantag för några bilder som Britt gjort.

Samtliga bilder kan köpas (licensieras) för publicering eller som tryck för dekoration via BKWine Photography.

Pressbilder: Vi levererar gärna pressbilder för publikation i samband med text av boken. Kontakta oss om du behöver sådana.

Ploughing with a horse in the vineyards in Musigny, Burgundy
Ploughing with a horse in the vineyards in Musigny, Burgundy, copyright BKWine Photography
Organic vineyards in Tuscany
Organic vineyards in Tuscany, copyright BKWine Photography
A package of cultured wine yeast XR Grand Rouge
A package of cultured wine yeast XR Grand Rouge, copyright BKWine Photography
Organic vineyards in Tuscany
Organic vineyards in Tuscany, copyright BKWine Photography
Rapidase CX enzyme vinification aid
Rapidase CX enzyme vinification aid, copyright BKWine Photography
Flowers in the vineyards in Limoux
Flowers in the vineyards in Limoux, copyright BKWine Photography
Grape bunch attacked by grey rot
Grape bunch attacked by grey rot, copyright BKWine Photography
Flowers in the vineyards in Languedoc
Flowers in the vineyards in Languedoc, copyright BKWine Photography
Beehives near a vineyard to enhance biodiversity
Beehives near a vineyard to enhance biodiversity, copyright BKWine Photography
Bottles in a wine shop marked organic wine (ekologiskt)
Bottles in a wine shop marked organic wine (ekologiskt), copyright BKWine Photography
Ploughing in the vineyards with a horse in the Rhone Valley
Ploughing in the vineyards with a horse in the Rhone Valley, copyright BKWine Photography
Flowers in the vineyards in Languedoc
Flowers in the vineyards in Languedoc, copyright BKWine Photography
Wine label with organic AB and biodynamic Demeter indication
Wine label with organic AB and biodynamic Demeter indication, copyright BKWine Photography
Wine label with zweigelt and Austria organic control code
Wine label with zweigelt and Austria organic control code, copyright BKWine Photography
Wine label with German Naturland organic indication
Wine label with German Naturland organic indication, copyright BKWine Photography
Poppies in the vineyards in the Rhone Valley
Poppies in the vineyards in the Rhone Valley, copyright BKWine Photography
Label on a wine bottle with New Zealand Certified Sustainable Winegrowing
Label on a wine bottle with New Zealand Certified Sustainable Winegrowing, copyright BKWine Photography
Vineyards in Burgundy
Vineyards in Burgundy, copyright BKWine Photography


Wine bottle neck label with American "certified organic Bio-org" text
Wine bottle neck label with American ”certified organic Bio-org” text, copyright BKWine Photography
An old Syrah vine and on the ground natural fertilizer (horse manure)
An old Syrah vine and on the ground natural fertilizer (horse manure), copyright BKWine Photography
Wine label with biodynamic Demeter symbol
Wine label with biodynamic Demeter symbol, copyright BKWine Photography
Vat cellar at an organic and biodynamic chateau in Bordeaux
Vat cellar at an organic and biodynamic chateau in Bordeaux, copyright BKWine Photography
Wine label with "from organic grapes" text
Wine label with ”from organic grapes” text, copyright BKWine Photography
Sign on a tank: contains sulphur
Sign on a tank: contains sulphur, copyright BKWine Photography
Wine label marked with NOOGM
Wine label marked with NOOGM, copyright BKWine Photography
Handful of soil with plenty of microbial and bigger life, Rhone Valley
Handful of soil with plenty of microbial and bigger life, Rhone Valley, copyright BKWine Photography
Wine label with Nature et Progres indication
Wine label with Nature et Progres indication, copyright BKWine Photography
Wine label with organic and biodynamic indication
Wine label with organic and biodynamic indication, copyright BKWine Photography
Wine label marked "Vignoble responsable"
Wine label marked ”Vignoble responsable”, copyright BKWine Photography
Back label with detailed specifications
Back label with detailed specifications, copyright BKWine Photography
Organic vineyard in Chablis
Organic vineyard in Chablis, copyright BKWine Photography
Wine bottle necks with label 100% Natural
Wine bottle necks with label 100% Natural, copyright BKWine Photography
Publicity fo American organic wine maker La Rocca
Publicity fo American organic wine maker La Rocca, copyright BKWine Photography
Cow horn and herbs used in biodynamic wine making
Cow horn and herbs used in biodynamic wine making, copyright BKWine Photography
Fermenting grapes and must
Fermenting grapes and must, copyright BKWine Photography
Cow manure, is almost like plasticine after being in the cow horn over winter, biodynamic preparation 500, at Domaine Duseigneur, Rhone Valley
Cow manure, is almost like plasticine after being in the cow horn over winter, biodynamic preparation 500, at Domaine Duseigneur, Rhone Valley, copyright BKWine Photography
Grubbed-up vines with long roots
Grubbed-up vines with long roots, copyright BKWine Photography
Detail of a biodynamic dynamiser
Detail of a biodynamic dynamiser, copyright BKWine Photography
Organic vineyard in Chile
Organic vineyard in Chile, copyright BKWine Photography
Spraying in the vineyards
Spraying in the vineyards, copyright BKWine Photography
Duogom vinification aid
Duogom vinification aid, copyright BKWine Photography
An insect hotel at a winery to encourage biodiversity
An insect hotel at a winery to encourage biodiversity, copyright BKWine Photography

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