Some Paris Wine Shops | BKWine Pick

This is Wine Blogging Wednesday and we’ve been asked to write about some interesting wine shop. We’ll actually talk about more than one though.

The first to mention is the ”incontournable”, that you just cannot not mention: Lavinia on Boulevard de la Madeleine: Very broad range of French and international wines. A special section on bio-dynamic wines. Sometimes a touch expensive (what would you expect with this address?). They also have a restaurant and wine bar. Definitely an address to visit for their amazing range of wines (6000 references, more wines in one Shop than what you can find in the whole of Sweden!).

The second suggestion is more ”iconoclaste”: a small ”farmers” market” market shop: Arômes et Cépages is a wine shop that is located inside the Marché des Enfants Rouges. They have a very good selection of organic or bio-dynamic wines. Many of the producers who are starting to establish a name (or have already done so) are there: Marcel Richaud (Cotes du Rhone), Domaine Rimbert (Coteaux du Languedoc), Domaine Coupe-Roses (Minervois), Domaine de Montgilet (Anjou), etc. An interesting address if you look for wine that is good value, not from Bordeaux or Burgundy, and that happen to be organic. And at the other end of the market you find one of Paris” really unique and excellent wine bistros (restaurant and wine bar) that you really should not miss if you are there: Les Enfants Rouges run by ”Dany” .

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