The Art & Science of Wine | BKWine Pick

The Art & Science of Wine
By James Halliday & Hugh Johnson
Mitchell Beazley – new edition of a classic

Don’t be put off by the title. It is not an overly technical or scientific book. The two authors – giants in the world of wine writing – are a guarantee that it is a good and informative read. After reading the book you will have a very good understanding of wine, wine growing and wine making. You might not be an expert winemaker, but there are schools for that. The book is split in three sections: In the Vineyard, In the Winery, and In the Bottle. Starting with things like terroir and irrigation, over winemaking techniques for different types and styles of wines, to what makes wine age and the very topical subject of wine closures – this book will give you a lot of insight. It’s actually quite a unique book – no other wine book explains the technical details behind winemaking in such an enjoyable form. Certainly very worth reading.

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