Mer om boken om Tokajer

I förra Briefen recenserade vi en ny bok om Tokajer: Tokaji Wine – Fame, Fate, Tradition av Miles Lambert-Gócs. En mycket speciell bok och vi undrade lite för vem den var skriven. Författaren hörde av sig och berättade:

”I feel obliged to respond to your question about ”the intended reader.” If we are talking about someone who is going to read the book from front to back, certainly it would only be a real Tokaji enthusiast. But mainly I was thinking of serious enophiles who occasionally want to explore particular topics about Tokaji. That is why I divided the book into parts, with an A-Z format within that framework. Also, I definitely had wine writers, MWs, etc. in mind in wanting to set out everything needed to avoid the wrong or false history that has plagued Western literature on Tokaji to date.”

Här är bokrecensionen.

A building at the Disnoko winery in Tokay, Hungary
A building at the Disnoko winery in Tokay, Hungary, copyright BKWine Photography

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