Etikett: statistik

Tyska konsumenter köper i första han vin efter smak

En undersökning av tysk vinkonsumtion visar att konsumenterna i första hand köper vin efter ”smak och karaktär” (51.3%). Geografiskt ursprung var viktigast för 12% av konsumenterna, pris för 9% och druvsort för 7%. Två observationer:

The world’s most powerful brands

The magazine The Drinks Business makes a yearly review of the world’s most powerful brands, weighing in things like brand recognition as well as sales volumes. Here are this year’s top 10 brands. – Smirnoff

Vin & Sprit säljer mer

V&S Vin & Sprits försäljning ökade med 13% till 7,6 miljarder kronor. Rörelseresultatet ökade med 18% till 1,6 miljarder kronor. Ökningen beror till stor del framgångar med storsäljaren Absolut i USA, Europa och Asien. Man

Cork statistics

Each year some 17 billion bottles of wine are sold. The way to plug the neck varies greatly from one country to another. Catherine Pivot at the Université de Lyon has collected statistics of the

The world’s most powerful brands

Drinks International, an English trade publication, has made a ranking of the world’s most powerful wine and spirits brands. Different factors have been combined to arrive at the ranking: brand perception, market share, price position

France’s most planted grape varieties

Since 1979 a lot has changed in the vineyards so it is time to review old truths about what is taught in wine classes. The statistics is from Drinks International and based on SCEES RGA79

Alsace wine production 2004

Some statistics from CIVA ( Most popular grape varieties: 22% Riesling 21% Pinot blanc 18% Gewurztraminer 14% (Tokay) Pinot Gris 11% Sylvaner 9% Pinot Noir Appellations: 3.6% AOC Grand Cru 79.4% AOC Alsace 17% AOC

The world’s most powerful brands

The magazine The Drinks Business makes a yearly review of the world’s most powerful brands, weighing in things like brand recognition as well as sales

Vin & Sprit säljer mer

V&S Vin & Sprits försäljning ökade med 13% till 7,6 miljarder kronor. Rörelseresultatet ökade med 18% till 1,6 miljarder kronor. Ökningen beror till stor del

Cork statistics

Each year some 17 billion bottles of wine are sold. The way to plug the neck varies greatly from one country to another. Catherine Pivot

The world’s most powerful brands

Drinks International, an English trade publication, has made a ranking of the world’s most powerful wine and spirits brands. Different factors have been combined to

Alsace wine production 2004

Some statistics from CIVA ( Most popular grape varieties: 22% Riesling 21% Pinot blanc 18% Gewurztraminer 14% (Tokay) Pinot Gris 11% Sylvaner 9% Pinot Noir

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