Restaurants to try in and around Porto
Porto is a great city to visit. For the wines of course, post and table wine, but also for its beauty and history. But we must confess that we have always found it challenging to find a good restaurant in Porto. We have found some, notably DOP. Look in our recommendations in the menu “Reviews – Restaurants”! A while back I asked our Facebook friends for suggestions and got a long list! We have not had the possibility (yet?) to try them out but they can still be something for you to try.
Some of the restaurants are in the centre of the city and others are a short taxi ride away. Foz is straight out towards the sea along the river. Matosinhos is just a short distance north of that. All of it is closer to the city centre than what the airport is. And that is not really very far.
Let us know what you think if you try them!

(Names in parenthesis is kudos to those who recommended it.)
O Carteiro
55 Rua Senhor da Boa Morte, (close to Foz). Rustic & good, in the residential area between Foz and the centre. (Jamie Goode, Oniro Vins)
Av. da Boavista 1277, 4100-130 Porto, ph 226 086 708, Japanese, and not only sushi. (Alexandre Lalas)
Rua Nova da Alfândega 1, Porto, ph 220 120 752. On the river side (old city centre). (“This modern and attractive restaurant in the old Ribeira district offers Portuguese cuisine mixed with international flavours. The space, decorated with exclusive furniture, occupies three floors and one of them is also an art gallery that hosts cultural events.”) (Hugo Mesquita)
D. Tonho
Cais da Ribeira 13, 4050 Porto, ph 222 004 307. On the river side (close to the bridge) (Also have a restaurant in Gaia) Upmarket & a bit expensive. (Old-fashioned?) (Hugo Mesquita)
Rua Adolfo Casais Monteiro 135, Porto, Relatively central, international, stylish. (Roy Hersh)
Book Restaurante
Rua de Aviz 10, 4050-259, +351-91 795 33 87, “It’s the new hot place downtown”. (Joana Pais)
Rua Orfeao do Porto, 4150 Porto, In the Lordelo do Ouro part of Porto. “Nice one and not expensive at all” (Oscar Quevedo)

Margem Restaurante
Rua Agostinho Albano 18, Afurada-Vila Nova de Gaia, ph 22 77 24 788, Modern, stylish. (Cynthia Jenson)
Pedro Lemos
Rua do Padre Luis Cabral, 974-Foz do Douro, 4150-459 Porto,, +351 22 011 59 86. Not in the centre but in Foz towards the sea. (Ana Borges)
Shis Restaurante
Praia do Durigo, Esplanada do Castelo, Foz do Douro 4150-000, Porto, ph 22 618 9593, Looks luxurious. Modern Portuguese as well as sushi. Beautiful location on the sea. “great place to sit outside and enjoy a great lunch and its very good wine list” (Carlos Carvajal Castellanos, Carlos de Jesus)
Restaurante Corte Real
Rua de Corte Real, 289 at Foz. New. (Ana Borges)
Avenida Montevideu 810, 4150-518 Porto (Foz?). On the beach, modern & elegant. (meal ~40€) (Roy Hersh)
Rua do Padrao, 100, Porto (Foz). Near the beach, trendy, Italian/Portuguese. (Roy Hersh)
Matosinhos (beyond Foz)
“Visit the street Herois de França in Matosinhos. There you have a lot of good restaurants: Tito II, Sempre a Assar, Charroco… Have to visit the street” (P Coutinho)
Casa Mariazinha
Avenida Serpa Pinto, 290, 4450-276 Matosinhos, 229 384 615. Fresh fish. On the coast. (Mario Rui Ferreira)
Restaurante Jácome
Rua do Vareiro, nr. 141, 4450-799 Leça da Palmeira, Matosinhos. Fresh fish. On the coast. (Mario Rui Ferreira)
Traditional Portuguese restaurants in Porto
I also had one comment from someone who thought that DOP, that we liked a lot, was too modern and not enough “traditional”, so here is his list of really traditional restaurants in Porto: some very traditional Portuguese restaurant (Thank you Alberto Manuel!). Alberto underlines that “these are not ‘fancy restaurants’ these are serious typical Portuguese food”:
Casa Aleixo
Rua da Estacao 216, Porto, hake filets, octopus filets.
Restaurante o Antonio
Rua Óscar da Silva 2402, Leça da Palmeira (on the coast, a short hop north, halfway to the airport), octopus (“you will die eating this”)
O Chanquinhas
Rua de Santana Nº 243, Leça da Palmeira, rice ”sarrabulho” style (“cooked with the blood of chicken or pork depends of the kind of meat you like”), tripas à moda do Porto (“legendary, from the times of the French invasion”).
O Xarroco
Rua Heróis França 507, Matosinhos (near Leça), fresh grilled fish.
Many thanks to everyone who helped put this together!
And, as I said, let us know what you think if you go there! Write a comment!
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