Baxo, Paris 10 | BKWine Pick

This nice little restaurant only just opened in December, not far from the Canal Saint Martin. Very good value lunch menu, 2 courses for 12 euro or three for 14.50 euro. In the evening they have à la carte with starters for 8-12 euro and main courses for 12-18 euro. You can get French classics like hamburger (perhaps not so French but still classic), tartare, or côte de Boeuf, and also some more “fusion” inspired cooking: tuna with wasabi, or wok de calamars. They will develop the wine list towards a selection of smaller, ambitious growers (but it will take some time for them to build up the list they think). Modern interior decoration with fat cushions and trendy lighting. The bar (called “bar lounge”…) is almost as big as the restaurant, which on the other hand is not very big (only some 25 places). Very customer friendly opening hours: from 9 in the morning to 2 at night. Closed Sundays.

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