Mushrooms, fungi

Small Gastronomic Glossary

A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology

Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista

cèpe, m Karl Johan-svamp, karljohansvamp, stensopp porcini/cèpe mushrooms (boletus edulis)
champignon (de Paris) champignon button/cultivated mushroom
champignon sauvage skogssvamp wild mushroom
chanterelle, f trattkantarell (Obs: ej ”vanlig” gul kantarell) another kind of mushroom not in the chanterelle family but sometimes called Cantharellus tubaeformis
girolle, f kantarell chanterelle mushroom
morille, f (topp-)murkla (OBS: ej stenmurkla) morel (generally the non-poisonous variant)
pleurote, m ostronskivling oyster mushroom
trompette de la mort svart trumpetsvamp horn of plenty, trumpet of death
truffe, f tryffel truffle

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