Herbs & Spices

Small Gastronomic Glossary

A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology

Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista

ail, m, ails/aulx (pl), tête (f) d’a., gousse (f) d’a. vitlök, vitlökar, ”hel” v., vitlöksklyfta garlic, (plural), bulb of g., clove of g.
aneth, m dill dill
basilic, m basilika basil
cannelle, f kanel cinnamon
câpre, f kapris capers
cari, m cf. curry
cardamome, f kardemumma cardamom
carvi, m, cf cumin (lat. carum carvi) (cumin des prés, chervis , Anis des Vosges) kummin caraway
cerfeuil, m körvel chervil
ciboulette, f gräslök chive
clou (m) de girofle kryddnejlika clove
coriandre, f koriander coriander (the seed), cilantro or Chinese parsley (the leaves)
cumin, m (lat. cuminum cyminum) (cumin blanc, cumin de Maroc, faux anis) spiskummin cumin
curcuma, m, safran des Indes, m gurkmeja turmeric
curry, m curry curry
estragon, m dragon tarragon
fenouil, m fänkål fennel
genièvre, m enbär juniper berry
gingembre, m ingefära ginger
laurier (feuille (f) de) lagerblad laurel, bay leaf
marjolaine, f mejram marjoram
menthe, m mynta mint
muscade (noix de) muskotnöt nutmeg
orange amère (écorce d”) pomerans (-skal) bitter orange (peel)
origan, m oregano oregano
persil, m persilja parsley
poivre, m peppar pepper
romarin, m rosmarin rosemary
sarriette kyndel savory
sauge, f salvia sage
thym, m timjan thyme
truffe, f (de Périgord) tryffel truffle
vanille, f (gousse de) vanilj (-stång) vanilla (pod)

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