Wine Travel Special

Now is the time to start thinking about how to brighten up the autumn season so I thought it would be a good idea to give you some inspiration. Here are some details about the next season’s wine tours in English:

The Northern Rhône Valley, September 27 – October 1
If you love the Syrah grape this is the trip for you! In the northern Rhône you have some of the most highly acclaimed and famous Rhône appellations: Côte Rôtie and Hermitage. But there are also many very interesting producers in the other districts, e.g. in Cornas, Saint Joseph and Crozes-Hermitage; not to forget the whites with aromatic Condrieu made from Viognier at the top of the hierarchy. More info here.

Bordeaux at harvest time, October 11-15
Ripe grapes hanging in the vineyard. Or must bubbling in the winery. (You can never quite predict.) Lots of activity and still warm, late-summer temperatures. A trip to Bordeaux is a must (no pun intended) for a wine lover. We will visit some famous châteaux and also some of the most interesting and exciting new initiatives. More info here.

Book now!

Book now! Call me on +33-6 80 45 35 70; or on skype: bkwine; or send me an email.

Wine Tours in Finnish

For our Finnish speaking readers we offer two wine tours in the autumn:

20.9 – 24.9 2006: Viinimatkan kohteena Bordeaux
Bordeaux on viininystävälle ehdoton matkakohde! Siellä ovat tunnetut isot viinitilat, klassiset viinit mutta myös paljon uutta perinteisen rinnalla. Kolmena päivänä vierailemme sekä kuuluisilla arvotiloilla että pienemmillä erittäin laadukkailla tiloilla jotta pääsemme tutuiksi myös itse viininviljelijän kanssa. Paina tästä!

4.10 – 8.10 2006: Viiniä ja tryffeleitä Bourgognessa !
Nyt sinulla on mahdollisuus oppia tuntemaan Bourgognen maailmankuulut kylät, viinitilat ja tuottajat. Sekä heidän ainutlaatuinen erikoisuutensa : Bourgogne- tryffeli ! Paina tästä!

Book now!

Book now! Call me on +33-6 80 45 35 70; or on skype: bkwine; or send me an email.

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