Wine Travel

Now is the time to plan the next season’s wine and food tours. Take a look at what we propose on the program. I hope that you will find something that will interest you and I look forward to hearing from you.

September 27 – October 1: The Northern Rhône Valley

If you love the Syrah grape, this is the trip for you! The northern part of the Rhône Valley is mostly about powerful red wines but we will also get to know the regions delicious, full bodied whites. We stay in Tain l’Hermitage, just at the foot of the Hermitage hill and discover some of today’s most exciting winemakers in Hermitage, Cote Rôtie, St Joseph, Condrieu and Crozes-Hermitage. A must for he (or she) who loves the fruit and spice in Syrah! More info here!

October 11 – 15: Bordeaux at harvest time

This trip to Bordeaux is just at the end of the harvest season (though you can never predict in advance exactly when harvest will be). For a wine lover a trip to Bordeaux is a must! Here you find not only world famous châteaux and world famous wines but also a lot of new exciting initiatives. We will make excursion to all the main appellations in Bordeaux. The chateaux we visit will be both some of the ”famous” and prestigious (and expensive) ”demures” of the aristocracy as well as some of the most interesting of the new generation of wine grower in the lesser known (but better value-for-money) regions. A superb mix of tradition and innovation. More info here!

October 18 – 22: Portugal

In ten year Portugal has developed from being an old-fashioned, backwards wine producer to being one of the most interesting and innovative places in Europe for wine. No more candle-holder bottles, instead you get highly ambitious, forward-thinking wine producers but who still use traditional grape varieties full of character. Not for Portugal the standard, international Cabernet-Shiraz blend. And on this trip we will, as an added plus, stay two nights in the UNESCO World Heritage town of Evora! More info here!

For info and booking, contact me on or +33 6 80 45 35 70 or check the site:

Book now !

Finnish Language Wine Tours – Viinimatkoja Ranskan viinialueille!

Tours on the schedule (in Finnish):

20.9 – 24.9 2006: Viinimatkan kohteena Bordeaux

Bordeaux on viininystävälle ehdoton matkakohde! Siellä ovat tunnetut isot viinitilat, klassiset viinit mutta myös paljon uutta perinteisen rinnalla. Kolmena päivänä vierailemme sekä kuuluisilla arvotiloilla että pienemmillä erittäin laadukkailla tiloilla jotta pääsemme tutuiksi myös itse viininviljelijän kanssa. Paina tästä!

4.10 – 8.10 2006: Viiniä ja tryffeleitä Bourgognessa !

Nyt sinulla on mahdollisuus oppia tuntemaan Bourgognen maailmankuulut kylät, viinitilat ja tuottajat. Sekä heidän ainutlaatuinen erikoisuutensa : Bourgogne- tryffeli ! Paina tästä!

October 18 – 22: Portugal

In ten years Portugal has developed from being an old-fashioned, backwards wine producer to being one of the most interesting and innovative places in Europe for wine. No more candle-holder bottles, instead you get highly ambitious, forward-thinking wine producers but who still use traditional grape varieties full of character. Not for Portugal the standard, international Cabernet-Shiraz blend. And on this trip we will, as an added plus, stay two nights in the UNESCO World Heritage town of Evora! More info here!

For info, contact me on or +33 6 80 45 35 70 or check the site:

Book now !

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