Wine region-of-the-month: Muscadet

– Muscadet is a wine region in the westernmost Loire valley

  • A total of 13,000 hectares and 91 communes
  • The appellation was created in 1936. There are now four ACs: Muscadet (3400ha), Muscadet Sèvre et Maine (8800ha), M. Coteaux de la Loire (200 ha), and M Côtes de Grandlieu (300ha)
  • 700,000 hl is produced annually, exclusively from the grape variety Melon de Bourgogne, also called Muscadet
  • Some Muscadet is made “sur lie”: it requires (for example) that the wine has been kept on the lees until bottling. This should give the wine added freshness and aromas. Some 40% of all Muscadet is sur lie.
  • The soil is very varied: schist, micaschiste, granite, sand and gravel.

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