Wine-On-Line – Some wine sites worth having a look at

  • Wine Maker Magazine, mostly for the home brewer, but also for others. Quite a lot of interesting info actually. E.g. How to get oak character by using oak cubes? How to deal with brettanomyses? Or what to do with pips and skins after pressing? –
  • Screw cap – good or bad? Cork-cork = risk of cork taint (TCA). Screw-cork = risk of reduction (smell of rotten eggs). Curious to know more? Read the article in Wine Business Monthly –
  • Do you know what CPM is? Well, it means Cold Prefermentation Maceration (or pré-macération à froid), meaning that you chill the must before fermentation to extract (soak) some additional aromas and colour (the result is different compared to maceration during or after the fermentation). Learn all about it on Vineyard & Winery Management –

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