Wine exports in 2004 – France still in the lead, but only just

France was still the world’s biggest exporter of wine in 2004 but the distance to the number two, Italy, has diminished dramatically. Here are the statistics, in million of hectolitres, and the percentage change from 2003:

  1. France 14.21 Mhl (-6%)
  2. Italy 14.20 Mhl (+9.9%)
  3. Apain 13.5 Mhl (+9.4%)
  4. Australia 6.4 Mhl (+19.9%)
  5. USA 3.9 Mhl (+17.6%)
  6. Portugal 3.1 Mhl (+2.1%)
  7. Germany 2.7 Mhl (-2.3%)
  8. South Africa 1.8 Mhl (+0.5%)
  9. Argentina 1.6 Mhl (-16%, but +36% if you look at the value!)
  10. New Zealand 0.3 Mhl (+14.8%)

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