What’s this thing with blogging?

We had a very interesting discussion this morning with one of the ”blogging gurus” in France – Loic Le Meur. (Thank you Susan for organising it!) It convinced me that we should see if we can do some more with this blog.

Because, as you might have noticed, we’re not very active so far.

The thing that really interests me is the ”business model” that drives blogging. It’s easy to understand if you own a company that sells software for blogging – like Loic (Six Apart – have to find out where that name comes from. The stranger the better?). Or if you can sell a company for millions like flikr. But for some reason there are 30 million blogs out there (I am told. – Where can one find statistics on this?)

So, we’ll try and be a bit more active in this blog and see what happens. Because I think we have a lot to tell about wine, food, restaurants and such things that could interest many people. (But somehow, somewhere we also need to make a living don’t we?)

Another thing that pushed me into spending a bit more time on this blog was that I went on to Technorati and looked up BKWine. Technorati, I am told (again) is THE cool thing to use to see what happens in the bloggosphere. Looking up https://www.bkwine.com on Technorati (in real time(!) they say) I foiund that some new people had linked to us. I don’t know who BWIII is but he/she likes the same Rhone producer as we do: domaine du Colombier. That’s fun to know. We have a nice little photo gallery on Domaine du Colombier and Florent Viale, and we have written a recommendation on him on our wine producer recommendation page. We have even written about him in our newsletter, the BKWine Brief. (PUBLICITY: you can subscribe for free here) And below in this blog.

So, there you have it. We’ll try and spend a bit more time on this. If you want.

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