Wanted: Stolen wines

– We’ve had a report of stolen wines that the owner would very much like to get back: “”2 Double Magnums Latour 1982, 9 Magnums Latour 1982, 12 bottles 1982 Latour, 12 bottles Margaux 1986, 3 Magnums Lafite 1986, Richebourg DRC 1988 1 Magnum, Comtes Champagne Taittinger 1973 rose 2 bottles Romanee Conti 2003 1 bottle La Tache 2003 DRC 1 bottle Montrachet 2003 DRC 1 bottle Quinta Noval Nacional 1963 1 bottle Talbot 1982 3 bottles and so on”. If anyone would happen to offer you such wines for sale contact us and we will forward to the thirsty owner.

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