Wine lovers in Sweden and in Ireland contribute to emptying the EU wine lake (statistics from EU-15, the 15 countries the OIV gives statistics for). They are both in absolute numbers small consumers of course, but the growth numbers are impressive, in particularly for Sweden with +9.4% – no doubt a result of the successful Swedish alcohol regulations with a monopoly retailer. Ireland is far behind with ”only” 3.6% growth.
Here’s the ranking:
1. Sweden, 9.4%
2. Ireland, 3.6%
3. UK, 3.4%
4. Greece, 3%
5. Austria, 2%
6. Germany, 1.6%
7. Finland, 1.1%
8. Netherlands, 0%
And the countries where consumption decreased:
9. Denmark, -0.3%
10. Italy, -1.6%
11. Spain, -1.8%
12. Portugal, -1.9%
13. France, -2.5%
14. Belgium with Luxemburg, -3.1%
(Source: OIV)