Some Wine and Food Blogs

It is becoming more and more popular to blog. Have you tried? There are both very interesting and, hrrmm, less interesting blogs. Here is a selection of wine and food blogs to keep you busy over the holidays:

English Blogs
An American in Spain – Catavino
Wine Whys – Two women in wine (no longer active?)
Appellation Australia

French Blogs:
Vins de Loire
Sommelier-consultant, Paris
C’est moi qui l’ai fait!
Patrick Chazallet

Some Wine Producers” Blogs:
Champagne Tarlant
Jean-Luc Thunevin (Château Valandraud et al.)
Marc Perrin (Château de Beaucastel)
Hervé Bizeul (Clos des Fées)
Iris Rutz-Rudel, Lisson
Dupéré Barrera

And our own BKWines Blogs:
BKWine Brief Blog (that’s here!)
Wine Pictures Blog

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