Primeur prices for consumers – €40 per centilitre…

Fun (?) to take a look at what prices the Bordeaux Primeurs reach in shops, where you and I can buy them (and get delivery in two years’ time). Some of the dearest: Pomerol: Château Lafleur 1200€, Ch Le Pin 1150€; Pauillac: Ch Mouton-Rothschild 480€, Ch Latour 650€, Ch Lafite 480€, Yquem around 500€. Prices per bottle in case you wondered. Add on VAT (19.6% in France) and transport charges. To be paid now and delivered in two years’ time. Sample prices from

Alternatively, from Berry Brothers & Rudd in London: Ch Petrus £1750 (2557€ – which, after adding French VAT (that’s where we’re writing) but no transport fee adds up to arund €40 per centilitre…), Le Pin £1250 (1826€), Lafleur & Ausone £750 (1095€), Latour £475 (694€), Margaux £475 (694€).

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