Prices rocket for white Burgundy at the Hospices de Beaune auction

The traditional Hospice de Beaune auction is sometimes seen as an indicator of where prices for Bourgogne wines are heading. That bodes ill for wine lovers this year. The prices for white Burgundy was on average up 63% compared to last year, whereas the reds only saw a slight increase. It is the just finished 2006 vintage that is sold in barrel at the auction. The most expensive barrel was the Beaune Premier Cru Cuvée Dames Hospitalières, under the hammer for 200.000 euro (for 228 litre). Even if it is primarily a charity auction it is often taken as an indicator for commercial prices. Another factor though might be that the auction is now run by Christie’s (the London-based auction house) who is putting a lot more energy into marketing the event than what was done previously., and Reuters

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