Press release: A New Book on Organic, Biodynamic and Natural Wines Gives the Reader the Facts

press release
Paris, 2014-12-17

A New Book on Organic, Biodynamic and Natural Wines Gives the Reader the Facts

“Biodynamic, Organic and Natural Winemaking; Sustainable Viticulture and Viniculture” by Britt Karlsson (text) and Per Karlsson (photography), of BKWine, has recently been published by Floris Publishing. As environmental issues and sustainability becomes increasingly a concern for the consumer this books gives the reader the facts about all these wine growing and winemaking trends, methods and labels.

The book is written primarily for the wine consumer who wants to understand what is really behind the “labels” organic wine, biodynamics, natural wine, sustainable etc. It is also aimed at the wine trade professional and restaurant trade who has a need to understand the facts behind this increasingly popular market segment.

The focus of the book is organics, but all other aspect of sustainability and the environment are also touched on and explained, including of course biodynamics and the natural wine movement. Given that the vast majority of organic wine today is produced in Europe, the focus is on the European organic winemaking and winegrowing methods. But to the extent that they exist, other countries’ organic systems with rules and regulations are also included.

In contrast to many other books on this subject the authors do not try to convince the reader these methods are the salvation for viticulture. Instead, the authors explain the background and the facts and go through the rules and regulations for what organic (etc) wine is so that the reader, the wine consumer, then can make informed personal choices.

The book looks at the current market situation for organic wines, the trends and evolution as well as an historic background. It covers rules and regulations for viticulture and winemaking, and certifications. There is also a chapter on recommended wine producers.

Anyone who wants to understand what organic, biodynamic and natural wine is should read this book.

Britt Karlsson, the author, describes the book like this: “There is a lot of both media attention and consumer interest today in organic (etc.) wine but there is also a lot of confusion and misunderstanding of what these words – organic, biodynamic, natural, sustainable, etc – really mean and what the differences are. For that reason our aim with this book was to explain all this and to give the consumers the tools and knowledge to make informed and intelligent decisions. So we are not really arguing for or against. We are ‘simply’ explaining.”

The authors have written four books on wine and this is the first one to be published in English. Their books have won both national and international book awards.

You can find more information about the book here, including the table of contents, a demonstration video, and sample photography:

Book cover image:

Please contact us if you would like a review copy.

Book Facts

Title: Biodynamic, Organic and Natural Winemaking; Sustainable Viticulture and Viniculture
Original’s Title: Vinet och miljön. Ekologiskt, biodynamiskt och naturligt (“Wine and the Environment Biodynamic, Organic and Natural Winemaking; Sustainable Viticulture and Viniculture”)
Translated: from Swedish by Roger Tanner
Author: Britt Karlsson, BKWine,
Photographer: Per Karlsson, BKWine Photography,
Publisher: Floris Books,
Presentation: Richly illustrated in colour, soft-cover
Language: English
Dimensions: 280 pages, paperback
ISBN: 978-178250-113-8 (9781782501138)

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Press contact

  • BKWine, Britt or Per Karlsson, phone 0033 6 80 45 35 70, or 0033 6 83 51 12 53 (French telephone numbers), info @
  • Floris Books:

Press photos

  • Press photos:
  • License: Press photos are free to use in connection with text about BKWine. All other use requires separate written agreement.
  • Contact us for password for high resolution downloads

A vast variety of photos are available on request. BKWine has one of the world’s biggest photo archives specialised in wine and wine travel:


BKWine, 51, rue du Chevalier de la Barre, F-92130 Issy les Moulineaux (Paris), France, phone 00 33 6 80 45 35 70, info @,,

BKWine AB is run by Britt and Per Karlsson, of Swedish origin. There are four main activities:

BKWine is active in several wine related fields. The main business is organising wine tours for wine enthusiasts and wine professionals who want to visit wine regions to learn more about wine. Each year BKWine organises some 30 wine tours. The wine tours have been named World’s Top Wine Tours by Travel + Leisure. BKWine has written and published several wine books that have won national and international awards. BKWine also publishes an online newsletter on wine, The BKWine Brief, which reaches some 20,000 subscribers. Britt and Per are members of the British Circle of Wine Writers (CWW), the International Wine Writers Federation (FIJEV), the French Wine Press Association (APV), the International Wine and Food Society (IWFS) and several other wine and gastronomic organisations.

Biodynamic, organic and natural winemaking. Sustainable viticulture and viniculture.
Biodynamic, organic and natural winemaking. Sustainable viticulture and viniculture.

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