New rules for Côtes-du-Rhône Villages

New rules were published on August 27: 20 geographical names (village “appellations”) can be used on the label: Beaumes-de-Venise, Cairanne, Chusclan (red and rosé), Laudun, Massif d’Uchaux (red), Plan de Dieu (red), Puymeras (red), Rasteau, Roaix, Rochegude, Rousset-les-Vignes, Sablet, Saint-Gervais, Saint-Maurice, Saint-Pantaléon-les-Vignes, Séguret, Signargues (red), Valréas, Vinsobres and Visan. Maximum yield (”rendement de base”) is 45 hl/ha for CdR Village, and 42 hl/ha for CdR with Village specification (with possibility for more after special ruling).

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