New rules for Bandol wine

INAO has defined (somewhat) new rules for Bandol.

In short:
– Manual harvest is compulsory
– Enriching or concentration of the must is not permitted (reverse osmosis, cryo-extraction…)
– minimum 18 months in barrel for the reds
– Grape varieties as follows…

Red wines
– Main grape varieties: Mourvedre, Grenache Noir, Cinsault. Mourvedre. Must make up between 50% and 95% of the total
– Other permitted grape varieties: Carignan, Syrah. Can represent up to 20%, each one not exceeding 10%

Rosé wine:
– Main grape varieties: Mourvedre Noir, Grenache Noir, Cincault Noir. Mourvedre at least 10% from 2011 (20% from 2014) and a maximum of 95%
– Other permitted grape varieties: Bourboulenc Blanc, Carignan Noir, Clairette blanc, Syrah Noir, Ugni Blanc. Max 10% for each, max 20% in total.

White wines:
– Main grape varieties: Bourboulenc, Clairette, Ugni Blanc. Clairette minimum 20% from 2008, min 50% from 2011. In total these varieties must represent at least 60% (80% from 2011).
– Other permitted grape varieties: Marsanne, Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon, Vermention (=Rolle). The same 10/20% rule as above (withe the exception of Sauvignon B that can represent a bigger proportion until 2011).

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