Fitou leaves Languedoc cooperation?

CIVL (Comité Interprofessionnel des Vins Du Languedoc) is a sort of producers cooperation and promotion organisation for the appellations in Languedoc. Fitou is one of the larger appellations in Languedoc but is apparently not happy with the way the CIVL works. Fitou has announced that they withdraw from the CIVL as of 30 November 2006. It is, of course, a question of money – Fitou pays 4 euro per hectolitre to the CIVL (1 euro more than most) and they think that the money could be better spent by themselves. However, the CIVL considers Fitou still to be part of its organisation. Philippe Coste, president of CIVL, says, according to Vitisphere: “We have statutes. You cannot enter and leave the organisation as you wish.”

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