Eight new Masters of Wine

The total has now reached 280 with the addition of eight new Masters of Wine (MW) in the latest round of diploma attribution. MW is a much coveted British diploma that shows that you know quite a few things about wine. Here are the eight new MWs:

– Susie Barrie MW, a freelance journalist, author, television and radio presenter from Winchester, UK;
– Michael Collier MW, a wine consultant based in Surrey, UK;
– Roman Horvath MW, managing director of Domäne Wachau, Austria;
– Isabelle Legeron MW, a French-born educator, event organiser and television broadcaster, living in London, UK;
– Tim Marson MW, a wine buyer for Bibendum in London, UK;
– Tuomas Meriluoto MW, managing director of WineState, an importer in Finland;
– Frank Roeder MW, founder and chief executive of VIT, a wine distribution company based in Saar, Germany;
– Mai Tjemsland MW, owner of GastroConsult, a restaurant, catering and wine club group in Oslo, Norway.

More info: www.mastersofwine.org

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