Recommended Wine Producer: Domaine de l’Hortus, Coteaux du Languedoc – Pic Saint Loup

Framed by the majestic Pic Saint Loup and Montagne de l’Hortus, this vineyard is less than an hour’s drive north of Montpellier. Jean Orliac and his wife bought a small piece of land here 25 years ago after having fallen in love with the beautiful scenery. With it came some vines and they have now expanded the domaine to cover 35 hectares. All has been replanted – with Syrah, Mourvèdre and Grenache for the reds and Chardonnay, Viognier and Sauvignon Blanc for the whites. Domaine de l’Hortus has become somewhat of a reference for Languedoc wines. Domaine de l’Hortus Grand Cuvée, around 14€ at e.g. Legrand, 1, rue de la Banque, Paris 1.

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