Thanks to unusually cold weather at the end of November, the ice wine has already been harvested in parts of Canada. On November 26 the temperature fell to -17 degrees centigrade in Okanaga (British Columbia). Ice wine is probably Canada’s best know contribution to the wine world. Ice wine is a very sweet wine made by harvesting frozen grapes. The grapes are pressed before they can melt and the resulting must is extremely concentrated and sweet. Apparently you need ten times as much grapes to make a bottle of ice wine as you do for regular wine. (Read our book review on the Canadian Wine Atlas below). Read more: Times Colonist and
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Yes indeed, British Columbia has picked the crop for what possibly maybe the best vintage for Icewine yet. As far as books on Icewine go the world expert on the subject is John Schreiner. If you take a peek at my blog entry on Icewine (, you will get the details. By the way, the times colonist calls it ice wine. Wrong the registered term is one word ”icewine”