Calling all wine bloggers: soon time for the European Wine Bloggers Conference

Dela / gilla:

The European Wine Bloggers Conference takes place on the last weekend of October. It is a unique occasion to meet wine bloggers from all over Europe, and even beyond. More than a dozen countries will be represented and the organisers are expecting upwards to a hundred participants. Apart from networking participants can learn about blogging techniques and technology, marketing, video, monetization and much more. Plus, of course, many occasions to taste excellent wines and visit wineries, either during the conference or at the pre- and post-conference events with visits to wine regions in Portugal. More information here: An event not to miss for the dedicated wine blogger – plus it would be nice to meet some of you in real life in Portugal! You can get a taste of how it will be in our Wine Bloggers Conference teaser slide show.

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Dela / gilla:


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