BKWine Travel Stories: Bordeaux day 1

They promised heavy rain storm today in Bordeaux, but when we arrive skies are clearing up. We arrive just in time for lunch… A very (very) good option if you arrive by train is L’Olivier de Clavel, just next to the train station. Outstanding value for money, two courses for 16 euro, including a glass of wine (with a choice of several). We start with a Pequillo (Pyrenee belle pepper) filled with brandade de mourue, followed by a dorade on a delicious risotto with parmesan. A very good address for lunch or dinner, but don’t expect charming surronding. The area around the train station in Bordeaux is not really the cutest area in the city. Go there for the restaurant, not for the view.

After spending a few leisurely hours walking in the city (well deserved after handing in our new manuscript around midnight last night) we drive out the Chateau Pey La Tour in Entre-deux-Mers, where we will be staying a few days.

Again we just avoid the reainstorms (5 minute margin on arrival) and instead arrive in a glorious late evening sunshine. Nice dinner at the chateau (asparagus, canette, brebis des Pyrenees…) with a few of Dourthe’s wine (they own Pey Latour).

The only negative: having a serious fit of spring allergy. Very frustrating.

Good start to a few days in the region!


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