BKWine Recommends, Restaurants in Paris

L’Avant Goût
26, rue Bobillot, 75013 Paris (M. Place d’Italie), tel 01 53 80 24 00. Booking essential evenings. Good wine list with many organic wines. Set menu 12€ (lunch) to 32€.

42, rue Daubenton, 75005 Paris (M. Censier-Daubenton), tel 01 43 31 17 17 (closed Sun & Mon)
Maybe Paris’ best Greek restaurant. Some good “domestic” wines. Menu from 18€.

Le Café Constant
139, rue Saint-Dominique, 75007 Paris (M. Ecole-Militaire)
Traditional well made food. Very busy and bustling. 15-18 € for a main course.

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