BKWine Brief nr 48, July 2007

This year the summer seems to have been very short. I’ve just spent a week in the southern Rhône and the Languedoc, enjoying sunshine and warm temperatures. Back in Paris we have autumn weather. Is summer already over? This will be a very strange wine harvest and vintage. Where I was, in the south of France, most wine growers seemed very happy with the year so far – expecting a medium size but good harvest. But further north the situation is much more difficult. Much rain and cold weather with all the dangers and difficulties with diseases and uneven ripening that it will lead to.

If you are a wine grower you probably have to be a bit of an artist in doing all sorts of things. One of the growers we met in the Rhône valley had just opened a bed-and-breakfast (or chambres d’hôte as it’s called here); another was growing fruit in addition to the wine (and using the fruit cold storage to refrigerate the grapes if weather was hot during harvest). A third put a lot of effort into selling direct to the consumers at the door and sold more than half of his production in the winery shop – with correspondingly higher margins. Everything helps….

Wine points pointless?

Read more here…

Wine tours

We’re working on the program for next season and you will soon find more information on it on the site. You can already get a sneak preview of the first trip of the year in 2008: a luxury tour with truffles, foie gras and wine. More info below.

Custom made trips, events, educational tours,…

I also do custom made tours – designed specifically to your requirements. If, for example, you’d like to take some people from your company on an exciting and unusual trip with (among other things perhaps) wine and gastronomy on the agenda. Or if you want to take a customer or a business partner on a special event. Or if you’re part of a wine tasting club that celebrates an anniversary. Or if you run a wine education program, perhaps you’d be interested in a specifically targeted educational trip. Or… I can organise the whole trip for you, custom designed as you wish, or I can do a specific event that can fit into a bigger organisation, e.g. a day trip to champagne to lighten up a conference in Paris, or a wine and gastronomy dinner… Give me a call or send me an email if you are interested to know more.


PS: Recommend to your friends to read the Brief or forward it to them !

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