Pressmeddelande om vinterns vinresor: Sydamerika och Sydafrika

Vi har nu – för en tid sedan – officiellt lanserat vinterns vinreseprogram. Det blir först en vinresa till Sydamerika i februari och sedan en till Sydafrika i mars.

Läs hela pressmeddelandet med alla detaljerna på BKWines reseblogg: Pressmeddelande: BKWines nya vinresor och matresor i vinter, 2015: Chile & Argentina, samt Sydafrika.

The vineyards and the Andes at Catena Zapata in Mendoza
The vineyards and the Andes at Catena Zapata in Mendoza, copyright BKWine Photography
Vineyards and mountains in Chile, South America
Vineyards and mountains in Chile, South America, copyright BKWine Photography
Geese in the vineyard at the Emiliana Winery, Chile
Geese in the vineyard at the Emiliana Winery, Chile, copyright BKWine Photography
A biggish bottle of Vina Vik over lunch
A biggish bottle of Vina Vik over lunch, copyright BKWine Photography
Road over the Andes between Chile and Argentina much used for road transport with lorry
Road over the Andes between Chile and Argentina much used for road transport with lorry, copyright BKWine Photography

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